Khaleej Times

Germany, Nicaragua trade barbs at Gaza genocide case


Nicaragua and Germany crossed swords at the UN'S top court on Monday, with Managua saying Berlin was "pathetic" to supply aid to Gazans while also providing Israel with weapons, a case the top German lawyer dismissed as "grossly biased".

Nicaragua has hauled Germany before the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ) to demand judges impose emergency measures to stop Berlin from providing Israel with weapons and other assistance.

Lawyers for Nicaragua argued Germany is in breach of the 1948 United Nations Genocide Convention, set up in the wake of the Holocaust, by furnishing Israel with weapons.

"It is indeed a pathetic excuse to the Palestinia­n children, women and men to provide humanitari­an aid, including through airdrops, on the one hand and to furnish the military equipment that is used to kill and annihilate them... on the other hand," Daniel Mueller, a lawyer for Nicaragua, told the court.

Nicaragua's ambassador to the Netherland­s, Carlos Jose Arguello Gomez, told the court: "Germany seems not to be able to differenti­ate between self-defence and genocide." Nicaragua asked the ICJ to decide "provisiona­l measures" — emergency orders imposed while the court considers the broader case.

"Germany was and is fully conscious of the risk that the arms it has furnished and continues to furnish to Israel" could be used to commit a genocide, said Alain Pellet, a lawyer for Nicaragua. "It is extremely urgent that Germany finally suspend" such aid, he added.

Germany will respond fully in court on Tuesday but has already hit back at the allegation­s.

Its top lawyer, Tania von Uslar-Gleichen, said Nicaragua's case was "grossly biased".

"Germany completely rejects the accusation­s. We never did violate the Genocide Convention nor internatio­nal humanitari­an law either directly nor indirectly," she told reporters.

"On the contrary, Germany is committed to the upholding of internatio­nal law and this is what we work for internatio­nally."

The ICJ was set up to rule in disputes between nations and has become a key player in the war between Israel and Hamas militants that erupted after the Oct. 7 attacks.

In a separate case, South Africa has accused Israel of perpetrati­ng genocide in the Gaza Strip, charges Israel vehemently denies.

In that case, the court ordered Israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocidal acts and recently toughened its stance, ordering additional measures obliging Israel to step up access to humanitari­an aid.

The court's rulings are binding but it lacks an enforcemen­t mechanism. For example it has ordered Russia to stop its attack on Ukraine, to no avail.

Nicaragua has requested five provisiona­l measures, including that Germany "immediatel­y suspend its aid to Israel, in particular its military assistance including military equipment".

It also calls on the court to order Germany to "reverse its decision to suspend the funding of UNRWA".

Germany said in January it was halting funding pending an investigat­ion into Israeli accusation­s that several staff at the UN'S agency for Palestinia­n refugees took part in the October 7 attack.

"This unjustifie­d decision contribute­s to the suffering in Gaza where children women and men are starving," Mueller told the court.

Nicaragua said in its submission that "it could be comprehens­ible" that Germany would support an "appropriat­e reaction" by ally Israel to the October 7 Hamas attack.

"But this cannot be an excuse for acting in violation of internatio­nal law," it said.

Mueller explained that Nicaragua was going after Germany instead of Israel's main ally, the United States, because Washington does not recognise the court's jurisdicti­on.

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