Khaleej Times

Bushra’s Tips to Develop Mindfulnes­s


>> Active Listening: Make it a point to truly listen to someone and offer them your full attention. This entails not checking your emails or phone while focusing on the person. Make eye contact and maintain an open body language.

>> Mindful Appreciati­on: Consider the things in your life that go unnoticed and are taken for granted, yet which improve your quality of life. They can be minuscule things, like the water cooler next to your desk, your ears that allow you to hear the birds sing, or the coworker who brings you your coffee every day. Appreciate all of these things. To make things easier, you may choose to list only five things each time you conduct this exercise.

>> Mindful Breathing: Focus on your breathing. Instead of timing one minute, count ten breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth or nose. As you do so, concentrat­e on the sensations in your body. These can include air coming in and out of your nose, air passing through your windpipe, and your chest and belly moving as you breathe. If you are unable to feel anything, place your hands on your stomach and chest. As you inhale, feel your body absorb positive energy, and as you exhale, relax through your breath.

>> Task Batching: This entails putting multitaski­ng aside. Multitaski­ng causes errors and can be challengin­g since it decreases your ability to focus. As a result, multitaski­ng results in fewer tasks completed rather than more. Concentrat­e on one activity at a time.

>> Body Scan: Move your attention through your body, from head to toe, and focus on any sensations such as tension, warmth, tingling, or relaxation.

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