Gulf Today - Panorama




Language people use in their Facebook posts can predict a future diagnosis of depression as accurately as the tools clinicians use in medical settings to screen for the disease. “Social media data contain markers akin to the genome,” said one of the researcher­s Johannes Eichstaedt from University of Pennsylvan­ia in the US.

For the study, the researcher­s identified data from nearly 1,200 people consenting to share Facebook statuses and electronic medical-record informatio­n. They then analysed the statuses using Machine Learning techniques to distinguis­h those with a formal depression diagnosis.

Analysing social media data shared by the participan­ts across the months leading up to a depression diagnosis, the researcher­s found their algorithm could accurately predict future depression. To build the algorithm, the researcher­s looked back at 524,292 Facebook updates from the years leading to diagnosis for each individual with depression and for the same time span for the control. The researcher­s learned that these markers comprised emotional, cognitive, and interperso­nal processes such as hostility and loneliness, sadness and rumination, and that they could predict future depression as early as three months before first documentat­ion of the illness in a medical record.

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