Gulf Today - Panorama



Researcher­s in the Lund University in Sweden, showed that the risk of heart attack was 37 per cent high around 10pm on Christmas eve. The risk was greatest in people above

75, and those with existing diabetes and heart disease. This highlighte­d the need for the society to raise awareness of this vulnerable group over the Christmas period, the researcher­s suggested. The team investigat­ed whether time factors, such as national holidays, major sport events, hour of the day or day of the week could trigger a heart attack.

The two weeks before and after a holiday — and the same period the year before and after a sport event — were set as control periods. The risk was also higher during New Years’, midsummer holidays, early mornings (8am) and Monday mornings, but not during Easter holiday. Other short term events linked to emotional stress, such as major sports events, hurricanes and stock market crashes, have also been associated with a higher risk of heart attack.

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