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A former Miss Rhode Island, Miss USA and then Miss Universe, the 25-year-old model, actress and fashion influencer has just landed a starring role in the upcoming reality television series ‘Model Squad’. She was in Dubai last month to launch the Beauty Po

- Hafsa Lodi

Former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo

YOU’RE SITTING DOWN TO THE PERFECT MEAL. WHERE ARE YOU, WHOM ARE YOU WITH AND WHAT ARE YOU EATING? I kind of miss my home right now, so my perfect meal would be at Back 40, the restaurant in Rhode Island that I own with my family. I’d be dining with all of my family and friends. WHERE ARE YOUR FAVOURITE PLACES TO SHOP? I love a lot of stores like Barneys, Intermix, H&M and Topshop, and I love shopping online at I pretty much go everywhere. WHAT DOES YOUR DREAM HOME LOOK LIKE? Anything on a beach. A nice beach, though, doesn’t matter what country. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE ITEM IN YOUR WARDROBE RIGHT NOW? I just got a pair of really great-looking red Balenciaga boots. They’re booties, so they’re short, but the heel is big. IF YOU HAD A THEME SONG, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Today, I’m thinking my song would be Crazy in Love by Beyoncé. ARE YOU A COLLECTOR? IF SO, WHAT ITEMS DO YOU COLLECT? I think I am becoming a handbag and shoe collector – I’ve only realised that lately. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE CITY IN THE WORLD? I really cannot pick one. Every single place that I go to has something different to offer – different people, different food, different weather – it’s so hard to pinpoint one. WHAT ARE YOUR GO-TO BEAUTY PRODUCTS? My go-to beauty products would be anything from SK-II, La Mer and Dr Barbara Sturm. I also love Mac lipliner, and I really like Koh Gen Do foundation­s. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST-EVER LUXURY PURCHASE? I think it was a pair of Uggs – they were fur-lined, and I remember when I wore them to school, everyone made fun of me, because at that time they weren’t as popular as they are now. WHAT, IN YOUR OPINION, IS THE ULTIMATE LUXURY? Quality time with your loved ones. WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF GOOD STYLE? Style is feeling confident in what you’re wearing and what you’re doing. WHAT’S THE BEST PIECE OF FASHION ADVICE YOU HAVE EVER RECEIVED? I’ve received so much great fashion advice. I guess the best advice that I can take away is to just keep an open mind. Sometimes you look at something and think, ‘I would never wear that,’ or ‘that looks so strange’, but style isn’t about what’s trendy; it’s about expressing yourself and making it fun, and because of that there are no rules, and you can’t judge it. TALK US THROUGH YOUR BEAUTY ROUTINE. Since I’m always working and on the go, my typical beauty routine is very simple. I usually wear a tinted moisturise­r and lipliner, and I curl my eyelashes, and that’s it. But for red-carpet events when I’m getting hair and make-up profession­ally done, it takes about two hours.

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