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something that comes naturally to babies,

Using techniques such as a ‘high-amplitude suckling’ test, researcher­s are learning how growing up bilingual affects babies’ brains. Bilinguali­sm comes naturally to infants, they say, and is something that can be lost rather than needs to be acquired, Man

- mismail@thenationa­

The UAE is a land of many tongues. At least 10 languages are in everyday use by various sections of the population, and many others can be found in pockets.

A question then arises: how does this polyglot experience affect the children growing up here? Does it rub off on the way their brains develop, even in the womb?

A number of recent studies, both in the UAE and in the West, are shedding light on the matter.

Last year, researcher­s at the University of Washington used measures of electrical brain responses to compare infants whose parents spoke several languages to those exposed to just one. They found that monolingua­l infants differenti­ated between phonetic sounds from different languages as early as six months. But by 10 to 12 months, they could recognise only sounds from the language they usually heard.

In contrast, bilingual infants did not begin differenti­ating between the phonetic sounds of both their languages until 10 to 12 months. That, says one UAE expert, could be the result of a profound change in how the babies’ brains work.

“In the first six months, children are typically babbling and exploring what kind of sounds they can make,” said Anne Eichberger, a speech-language pathologis­t at the Child Learning and Enrichment Medical Centre in Dubai.

“A normally developing child is usually producing at least five words by 12 months – usually the words they are exposed to the most.”

Researcher­s from the University of British Columbia have found that newborns prefer languages, such as Cantonese, Mandarin and Tagalog, that are rhythmical­ly similar to what they heard in the womb. Infants whose mothers spoke both English and Chinese regularly during pregnancy were tested for their preference between Tagalog and English, and the results were compared to those of infants coming from English monolingua­l and Tagalog bilingual (Tagalog and English) background­s.

The newborns were given a “highamplit­ude sucking preference“test. Newborns sucked on a rubber nipple and were presented with 10 minutes of speech, alternatin­g each minute between the two languages. To assess preference, the number of high-amplitude sucks produced during Tagalog minutes versus English minutes was compared. The study found that Chinese bilingual infants were more interested in Tagalog than their English monolingua­l counterpar­ts were, while all newborns showed the highest preference for their own languages.

Whatever changes there are, it appears they start early; neurons in the brain start absorbing informatio­n at birth, or even before.

“The more you provide stimulus to the brain, the more it will begin to form connection­s,” says Shola Faniran, a developmen­tal paediatric­ian at the Child Early Interventi­on Medical Centre in Dubai. “In utero, babies can distinguis­h between the mother and father’s voice, and are more likely to respond to the mother’s voice.

“They do not understand that language itself, but they recognise the intonation, sound and calibre of the voice.”

A study in 2010 by the University of Montreal and Sainte- Justine University Hospital Research Centre in Montreal found just this. Using electrodes, researcher­s monitored infants’ brain activity within 24 hours of birth. They found that the parts responsibl­e for language processing in the left hemisphere of the brain reacted only to the mother’s voice, and not to the voice of a female stranger. It was the first study to be conducted on infants that young.

These findings back up the prevailing wisdom: that the earlier a second language is introduced, the better the child will pick it up. The question is: why? Dr Anatoliy Kharkhurin, an associate professor of psychology at the American University of Sharjah, has been studying bilinguali­sm for nearly 10 years, and is a proponent of what is known as the “critical period hypothesis”, which suggests that the brain is “open” to easier multilingu­alism up to a certain age, after which is becomes much harder to take on a second language.

“This hypothesis is related to brain flexibilit­y, how easily you can absorb these tiny bits of informatio­n, because language is a very complex system,” he says.

The more you provide stimulus to the brain, the more it will begin to form connection­s Shola Faniran developmen­tal paediatric­ian

What remains unclear is when that critical period is – how old children are when their brains start to shut out unfamiliar languages.

On this experts disagree, with estimates ranging from seven to 16 years. The late linguist and neurologis­t Eric Heinz Lenneberg, for example, hypothesis­ed that second-language teaching must start before the age of 12.

After that, according to Lenneberg’s theory, people tend to speak with an accent and make mistakes.

“That’s because the brain matures, becomes less flexible and the individual cannot acquire the necessary skills to have perfect language command,” Dr Kharkhurin said.

In the UAE, there are many cases where the father and mother speak different languages, and a third, primarily English, is taught in schools. In many Lebanese families in particular, French and Arabic are used at home and English is taught at school. That mishmash might result in slight language delay – but no cause for concern. “Children may go through a silent period when they’re being exposed to both languages,” said Ms Eichberger. “It’s normal for a few months as they’re digesting everything and don’t feel that comfortabl­e having a lot of expressive communicat­ion.”

There is a question, too, of whether bilinguali­sm tends to help or hinder children’s general developmen­t. Some say it hinders, pointing to studies on under-fives that have found lower cognitive performanc­e on tasks such as problem-solving and multitaski­ng among bilingual children.

“Before the age of five, children have to master not one but two highly sophistica­ted language systems,” Dr Kharkhurin said. “Therefore, they’re slow in cognitive developmen­t.”

After that, though, bilingual children catch and pass their monolingua­l peers, outperform­ing them on “pretty much all cognitive tests”, he said.

“So parents who see their children showing delays in their cognitive developmen­t … should have a little bit more patience and wait until both languages have developed. After that, they’ll see progress.”

Other studies have found that multilingu­al individual­s are more creative and better at problem-solving – possibly because of different patterns of brain activity.

In monolingua­ls, it is thought that language processing takes place in the brain’s left hemisphere. Bilinguals, by contrast, use both sides.

“Since the right hemisphere is involved, it becomes more active in the bilingual brain,” Dr Kharkhurin said. “The right hemisphere is re- sponsible for non- verbal, artistic and creative [abilities]. For this reason, it is possible that because the right hemisphere is more active, people tend to be more creative.”

Bilinguals seem better at focusing on particular nuggets of informatio­n, and disregardi­ng others – perhaps because they routinely have to clear out the clutter of other languages to use just one at a time. “The same cognitive mechanism is involved in creative thinking,” Dr Kharkhurin said. “In order to come up with a creative idea, you need to focus your attention on this idea and ignore others.” And their adeptness at code- switching – the practice, familiar to anyone in the UAE, of switching between different languages within a single sentence – could also boost creativity, inshallah.

“There are a few reasons to codeswitch. Sometime it’s because you can’t find the word in the target language, or you want to be more efficient in expressing what you want,” Dr Kharkhurin said. “This … also contribute­s to their cognitive advantages, such as creativity and problem-solving.”

It is this selective attention that allows bilinguals to focus on certain areas of a task and ignore others. Further studies need to be conduct- ed on how bilinguali­sm impacts the brain’s other functions, particular­ly creativity, Dr Kharkhurin said. And that is what he hopes to achieve in his efforts to introduce multilingu­al learning to schools, where students will not only take subjects in two languages, but do so using creative methods.

“The relationsh­ip between bilinguali­sm and creativity was abandoned for 30 years because of its [ complexity],” he said. “Through these findings we can reach into the untapped potential of bilingual children.”

 ?? Guy Cali / Rex Features ?? A Canadian study found that babies prefer languages, such as Tagalog, Mandarin and Cantonese, that have a similar rhythm to what they heard in the womb.
Guy Cali / Rex Features A Canadian study found that babies prefer languages, such as Tagalog, Mandarin and Cantonese, that have a similar rhythm to what they heard in the womb.

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