The National - News

13 killed in attacks in north-east Nigeria

- Njadvara Musa and Jon Gambrell

MAIDUGURI, NIGERIA // Members of a radical Muslim sect attacked a church in north-east Nigeria during a worship service, part of a series of assaults that killed at least 13 people, authoritie­s said yesterday. The church shooting came as Boko Haram members attacked a beauty salon and fought government forces on Friday night as part of a continuing sectarian battle. In the last few days alone, the group has killed at least 44 people, despite the oil-rich nation’s president declaring a state of emergency in regions hit by the sect.

In Yola, the capital of Adamawa state, gunmen covered their faces with black cloth when they attacked Apostolic Church, the local police commission­er, Ade Shinaba, said. He said at least eight worshipper­s died in that attack.

At a nearby beauty salon, at least three others were killed in a similar attack. “Three gunmen with their faces covered with black cloth burst into my salon and started shooting at customers, chanting, ‘God is great, God is great’,” said Stephen Tizhe, 35.

In the town of Potiskum in Yobe state, gunmen set two banks ablaze with petrol bombs, starting a gunfight with police that lasted three hours, the local police commission­er, Tanko Lawan, said. At least two people were killed, he said. No arrests have been made in either attack, authoritie­s said.

Associated Press

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