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Nuclear talks on the edge

- foreign.desk@thenationa­

The latest round of talks have been led by the US secretary of state and his Iranian counterpar­t.

The end of the year-and-a-half-long negotiatio­ns was tantalisin­gly close, with Iranian president Hassan Rouhani even posting a tweet hailing the “victory” late yesterday only to delete it soon after.

Instead, Iranian foreign minister Mohammed Javad Zarif told reporters from his room’s balcony at the historic Coburg hotel in Vienna where the talks are taking place that a final deal being reached by today was “possible”.

John Kerry met with Mr Zarif for about an hour yesterday, after meeting foreign ministers from all of the other countries negotiatin­g with Iran – France, Britain, Germany, Russia, and China.

The ministers who only a day before had hinted at the talks’ conclusion, refused to answer questions about whether or not there would be another deadline extension.

There appeared to be at least three sticking points hampering a final agreement, which is aimed at limiting Tehran’s nuclear programme in exchange for the lifting of internatio­nal sanctions that have crippled its economy.

The first issue is the Iranian demand, reportedly backed by Russia and China, that the United Nations Security Council embargo on its ballistic missile programme be fully and immediatel­y lifted. The ban is part of the nuclear-related sanctions imposed since 2006.

Russia has deals in place to sell Iran missile systems and its negotiator­s have backed Tehran on this point.

Western powers involved in the talks have reportedly insisted that the embargo remain in place, at least in the short term.

The US and its allies in the Arabian Gulf fear that Tehran will use the tens of billions of dollars unlocked with the lifting of economic sanctions to rebuild its outdated convention­al forces, bolster its vast ballistic missile programme, and increase funding to allied state and non-state groups across the Middle East.

Another issue that has tripped up the final accord is the demand that Iran give full access to Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency inspectors at nuclear sites, including military ones, suspected of housing nuclear weapons research facilities.

Iran denies that it has conducted weapons research and maintains that military facilities and nuclear scientists should be out of bounds.

Iranian negotiator­s are also reportedly demanding that the Security Council resolution required to back the deal and lift the UN sanctions does not include language describing Tehran’s nuclear programme as illegal. The pace and sequence of sanctions relief and the unfreezing of Iranian assets has also apparently not been settled.

Despite the signs of optimism over the weekend, there was no indication yesterday that either US or Iranian officials were willing to compromise on these key issues. When asked if the US would agree to the end of the arms embargo on Iran, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the only sanctions under considerat­ion related to Tehran’s nuclear programme. He did not specify if he was referring to the UN weapons sanctions, which are tied to the nuclear programme, or other US sanctions.

“They have made genuine progress but there continues to be some sticking points,” Mr Earnest said. More mundane challenges are also prolonging the negotiatio­ns, according to diplomats.

The latest draft agreement is about 100 pages long and includes a number of highly technical annexes, all of which must be translated into Farsi and checked by both sides to make sure the translatio­ns match exactly.

The final draft must then be given a green light by both the White House and Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamanei.

The failure to reach the July 9 deadline also ensured that a US congress, with deep reservatio­ns over the deal, will be given two months to debate the accord and do its best to publicly undermine it.

 ?? Joe Klamar / AFP ?? Austrian police outside the Palais Coburg Hotel where the Iran nuclear talks meetings are being held in Vienna. Negotiator­s from Iran and major powers are “working hard” to secure a nuclear deal but “political will” is still needed, an Iranian diplomat...
Joe Klamar / AFP Austrian police outside the Palais Coburg Hotel where the Iran nuclear talks meetings are being held in Vienna. Negotiator­s from Iran and major powers are “working hard” to secure a nuclear deal but “political will” is still needed, an Iranian diplomat...
 ?? Leonhard Foeger / Reuters ?? Iranian foreign minister Mohammed Javad Zarif shouts to journalist­s from his hotel balcony in Austria.
Leonhard Foeger / Reuters Iranian foreign minister Mohammed Javad Zarif shouts to journalist­s from his hotel balcony in Austria.

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