The National - News

Saudi-Iran tensions diverting attention from ‘real problems’

Muslim group calls for dialogue to restore mutual trust


JEDDAH // Deteriorat­ing relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran are diverting attention from the “real challenges” facing Muslims, the head of the Organisati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n said yesterday.

Iyad Madani was addressing an extraordin­ary meeting of the 57-member OIC, called by Saudi Arabia after protesters in Iran burnt its diplomatic missions there this month.

They attacked Riyadh’s embassy in Tehran and a consulate in the second city of Mashhad after the kingdom executed prominent Shiite cleric Nimr Al Nimr, a driving force behind anti-government protests. The attacks “contradict diplomatic standards” and “interferen­ce in the affairs of any member state undermines our organisati­on’s charter”, said Mr Madani, referring to criticism by Iran’s leaders of Al Nimr’s execution.

“It is clear that the continued deteriorat­ion of relations between some of our member states contribute­s to deepening rifts” among Islamic nations, Mr Madani said.

He said such tensions “distract us from addressing the real challenges”, including terrorism, which threaten members of the organisati­on.

“It is regretful that the reality of the Islamic division and difference­s negatively affect the performanc­e of the OIC” and its internatio­nal credibilit­y, Mr Madani told the group at the Red Sea city of Jeddah.

Al Nimr was one of four Shiites put to death on January 2 alongside 43 Sunnis. All were convicted of terrorism.

Saudi Arabia and some of its Sunni allies cut diplomatic ties with Shiite Iran as a result of the violence against its missions, causing concern around the world as tensions escalated.

Mr Madani called for “building bridges of understand­ing and restoring mutual trust” through dialogue.

Iran sacked a senior security official over his failure to stop the attack on Riyadh’s embassy.

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday said the attack was wrong and against Islam.

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