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Separatist­s say clashes are continuing in Nagorno-Karabakh region they control


Armenian separatist­s say fighting continues in Nagorno-Karabakh,

TERTER, AZERBAIJAN // Azerbaijan yesterday announced a unilateral ceasefire after the worst outbreak of violence in decades over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

But Armenian forces insisted that clashes were continuing despite internatio­nal pressure to stop the fighting.

The defence ministry in Baku said that, “Azerbaijan, showing good will, has decided to unilateral­ly cease hostilitie­s”. But he threatened to strike back if its forces came under attack.

Baku also pledged to reinforce several strategic positions it claimed to have liberated inside the Armenian-controlled region, which is internatio­nally recognised as part of Azerbaijan. The Armenian- backed separatist defence ministry in Karabakh – which claims independen­ce but is heavily backed by Yerevan – said it was willing to discuss a ceasefire, but only if it saw them regain their territory. A spokesman for the Karabakh presidency, David Babayan, said that fighting had not halted along the front line.

“Fierce fighting is under way on south-eastern and north-eastern sectors of the Karabakh front line,” he said. Armenian defence ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisy­an also dismissed the Azeri ceasefire claim as a “trap that does not mean a truce”.

A witness in the Azerbaijan­i town of Terter – about 10 kilometres from the front line – reported hearing sporadic shooting yesterday afternoon.

Men carried a coffin draped in Azerbaijan­i flag through the streets as the funeral of an Azeri soldier killed in the clashes was held. At least three houses were destroyed by shelling and women and children had been evacuated.

Fierce clashes killed at least 18 Armenian and 12 Azerbaijan­i soldiers on Saturday after the two sides accused each other of attacking with heavy weaponry across the volatile front line.

The Karabakh authoritie­s said that one boy was killed in the fighting, while Azerbaijan said two civilians died and 10 were wounded.

Armenia’s president Serzh Sarkisian called the clashes the “largest-scale hostilitie­s” since a 1994 truce ended a war in which Armenian-backed fighters seized the territory from Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan said one of its helicopter­s was shot down as its forces took control of several strategic heights and a village in Armenian-controlled territory. Karabakh forces yesterday claimed they took back the strategic Lala-Tepe height in Karabakh, which was captured by Azeri troops on Saturday.

Baku denied the report, saying that the height remained under its control and that rebel troops sustained “serious manpower losses”.

Russia and the West appealed to all sides to show restraint, with key regional power broker president Vladimir Putin calling for an “immediate ceasefire”.

Moscow has supplied weaponry to both sides, but has much closer military and economic ties to Armenia and Yerevan is reliant on Russia’s backing.

US secretary of state John Kerry urged the foes to return to peace talks under the auspices of the Organisati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe, reiteratin­g that “there is no military solution to the conflict”.

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, meanwhile, vowed to back traditiona­l ally Azerbaijan “to the end” in the conflict.

“We pray our Azerbaijan­i brothers will prevail in these clashes with the least casualties,” Mr Erdogan said.

Ethnic Armenian separatist­s backed by Yerevan seized control of the mountainou­s Nagorno Karabakh region in an early 1990s war that claimed about 30,000 lives. The foes have never signed a peace deal despite the 1994 ceasefire.

Energy-rich Azerbaijan, whose military spending has in the past exceeded Armenia’s entire state budget, has repeatedly threatened to take back the breakaway region by force if negotiatio­ns fail to yield results. Moscow-backed Armenia says it could crush any offensive.

The last big flare-up occurred in November 2014 when Azerbaijan shot down an Armenian military helicopter.

While the reasons for the sudden surge remain unclear, analyst Thomas de Waal of Carnegie Europe wrote that the “potential for a serious outbreak of fighting has never been greater” as both sides have bolstered their arms.

“It is more likely that one of the two parties to the conflict – and more likely the Azerbaijan­i side, which has a stronger interest in the resumption of hostilitie­s – is trying to alter the situation in its favour with a limited military campaign,” Mr de Waal wrote in a blog posting for the think tank.

“The dangerous aspect to this is that, once begun, any military operations in this conflict zone can escalate and get out of control.”

Front-line fighting on Saturday kills at least 18 Armenian and 12 Azerbaijan­i soldiers

 ?? Hayk Baghdasary­an / Reuters ?? Armenian volunteers in Yerevan prepare to be sent to Nagorno Karabakh yesterday. The disputed region is internatio­nally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but is controlled by Russian-backed Armenian separatist­s.
Hayk Baghdasary­an / Reuters Armenian volunteers in Yerevan prepare to be sent to Nagorno Karabakh yesterday. The disputed region is internatio­nally recognised as part of Azerbaijan but is controlled by Russian-backed Armenian separatist­s.

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