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A rough guide to Bassem Youssef

- Chris Newbould

1974 – Bassem Youssef is born in Cairo. His early life is largely unremarkab­le.

1988 – He attends Cairo University’s medical school, majoring in cardiothor­acic surgery. For the next decade, he works as a heart surgeon in Egypt, the US and Germany.

January 2011 – Youssef uses his medical skills to care for the injured in Tahrir Square as the Egyptian Arab Spring is in full flow. It is an experience that changes his life.

May 2011 – Inspired and influenced by Jon Stewart,

host of The Daily Show, Youssef posts the first episode of satire show B+ to YouTube.

July 2011 – After nine episodes of the online show, Egyptian channel ONTV offers Youssef a slot for a weekly political satire,

Al Bernameg ( The Show). It becomes the platform for many writers, artists and politician­s to speak freely about the social and political scene.

June 2012 – Youssef makes his debut on The Daily

Show, giving host Stewart an extended interview. He becomes the show’s Middle East correspond­ent.

November 2012 – Al Bernameg returns for a second season on a new network, CBC, and in a new home, at Cairo’s Radio Theatre, making it the first live audience television show in Egypt.

January 2013 – It is reported that an Egyptian prosecutor is investigat­ing Youssef on charges of maligning president Mohammed Morsi, whose office claims Youssef’s show is “circulatin­g false news likely to disturb public peace and public security and affect the administra­tion”.

March 2013 – An arrest warrant is issued for Youssef for allegedly insulting Islam and Morsi. Youssef confirms the arrest warrant on Twitter and says he will hand himself in to the prosecutor’s off ice “unless they kindly send a police van today and save me the transporta­tion hassle”. He is questioned by authoritie­s and released on bail of 15,000 Egyptian pounds.

October 2013 – Al Bernameg returns for a third season. However, after Youssef again criticises the administra­tion, during the season premiere, CBC distances itself from his views then cancels the show.

December 2013 – Youssef is named in the annual Time magazine list as one of the 100 most infl uential people in the world.

February 2014 – Al Bernameg is resurrecte­d on MBC Al Masr. However, the network suspends the show during the Egyptian election campaign in May.

June 2014 – Youssef announces that he is ending Al

Bernameg, saying he feels the political climate in Egypt is too dangerous to continue.

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