The National - News

Sheikh Mohammed approves projects for culture and sport

Convention centre, golf course and two hotels are planned

- The National staff newsdesk@thenationa­

DUBAI // A golf course and convention centre were among projects given the go-ahead by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, during a visit to Dubai Municipali­ty yesterday.

Hussain Lootah, director general of Dubai Municipali­ty, gave Sheikh Mohammed presentati­ons on the projects, such as the five-hectare Dubai Convention Centre, which will have a main hall with a capacity for 10,000 people, as well as two hotels, offices and the Mohammed bin Rashid Library.

A golf course, called the Gulf Safari project, is also being planned, and is expected to include a golf-training academy, a service area, reported Wam, the state news agency. Sheikh Mohammed heard about Vertical Industrial City, which will have an industrial area, apartments and a business park, as well as the Dubai Steps culture and sport project whose 500 stairs are meant to symbolise the challenges faced by Dubai and the emirate’s progress.

The municipali­ty is planning a sewerage tunnels project that is expected to be completed in 2020, and involve the replacemen­t of the city’s 121 sewage pumping stations. The tunnels are expected to last up to 100 years and cut carbon emissions.

The Hardware and Bicycles Market planned in Warsan area will include 100 shops and 53 bicycle showrooms over 11 hectares. The market is expected to be completed by September this year. Sheikh Mohammed praised the projects’ progress, calling them “necessary and strategic” for the nation’s future. He also signed off on a green building chart for Dubai that classifies green buildings in Dubai into four categories: platinum, gold, silver and bronze.

 ??  ?? A convention centre was among Dubai projects announced yesterday.
Courtesy Dubai Media Office
A convention centre was among Dubai projects announced yesterday. Courtesy Dubai Media Office
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