The National - News

What follows the Panama Papers?


From a personal perspectiv­e, I do not find anything surprising in the revelation­s of the socalled Panama Papers ( World figures deny wrongdoing as Panama Papers turn spotlight on tax evasion, April 5).

The involvemen­t of political leaders and their family mem- bers in what could be direct violation of the laws of their countries suggests that personal ethics have no absolute value when it comes to complying with legal matters.

However the Panama Papers also show that even if individual­s, groups or corporate organisati­ons try to hide billions of dollars, nothing remains hidden.

A thorough investigat­ion is needed into these revelation­s and, if proven, strong action must follow.

Ramachandr­an Nair, Oman

My question is what will happen next? Now that all this data has been released, will charges be laid?

What about the millions – if not billions – of dollars that may have been illegally deposited in these bank accounts? Will this money be returned to the rightful owners?

I’m certain that many countries would like to put that money back where it belongs and use it for the benefit of their citizens.

It’s not just Panama that is involved in this kind of activity. Will these revelation­s kick-start a global trend to identify other similar cases? In times of economic hardship, every penny helps.

Randall Mohammed, Dubai

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