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ISIL warns Bahrain of revenge attacks


ISIL has called for its followers to launch attacks on Bahrain, including American military personnel stationed in the country, ahead of a visit by the US defence secretary.

The appeal for violence came in a video that also urged militants to attack Bahrain’s Shiite majority amid a government crackdown on dissent there.

The video surfaced as ISIL propaganda has waned with the group’s loss of territory in Iraq and Syria, where they are under attack by a US-led coalition that includes Bahrain.

In the video, images of Bahraini fighter jets are juxtaposed with footage of an air strike hitting an ISIL-held area. It also shows clips of a Bahrain-based Gulf Air plane, the King Fahd Causeway linking the island to Saudi Arabia and other sites in the capital, Manama. “Wherever the enemies of Allah are found, there is jihad. Below you are the malevolent [Shiites] and the apostate soldiers of tyranny,” an ISIL fighter said in the video, according to a transcript provided by the Site Intelligen­ce Group, which is based in the US and monitors extremists.

“The muzzles of your weapons should not miss those American bases where from military aircraft took off to pour their flames on the monotheist­s in the territorie­s of Islam,” the militant added.

Bahrain is home to the US navy’s 5th Fleet, as well as a British naval base under constructi­on.

Bahrain’s government said yesterday it “remains vigilant against terrorist activities and extremism”.

“Authoritie­s continue to take all necessary steps to preserve security and stability within the kingdom.”

‘ Bahrain remains vigilant against terrorist activities and extremism Bahraini government

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