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Bags of investment ideas

- LeAnne Graves

Natalie Lines is a designer, illustrato­r, photograph­er and the co-founder at The Slate Agency, which offers digital and social media strategy and content creation, often incorporat­ing her illustrati­on work. Following stints in London and Barcelona, the 26-year-old Briton moved to the UAE a year ago and lives in Jumeirah Village Circle.

q How did your upbringing shape your attitude towards money?

a My parents are very different. My dad tends to save a lot of money whereas my mum enjoys her earnings a little more. My parents run their own business together, a school uniform company my mum started when I was five, so it was inspiring to see them earn their own money.

How much did you get paid for your first job?

It was the minimum wage in the UK when I was 16. I worked in a shop and ended up being the world’s worst employee.

Are you a spender or saver?

I’m now a saver. When I was a freelancer I came to anticipate a dip in work, so it taught me to always have money put aside just in case. Sometimes you can be amazing at your job, but the economy just can’t support you. This applied when I worked with magazines – print doesn’t have the budget it once did because of access to online content.

What is your most cherished purchase?

I love fashion and spend on good shoes or handbags. They become investment pieces if you keep them in a good condition. I once spent Dh5,000 on a gorgeous bag I couldn’t resist. I’ll never get rid of it.

Have you ever had a month where you feared you could not pay the bills?

It’s always something you have at the back of your mind when you run a business, I’ve tried to be prepared as much as I can for that. So I have the “rainy day money” set aside, like my dad has always told me to. Clients often pay late and the domino effect isn’t fun.

Where do you save?

In a traditiona­l savings account. I keep everything there.

Do you prefer paying by credit card or in cash?

I’m a little wary of credit cards and the ability to misuse them, but I’ve come to appreciate them for emergencie­s and seen how they can be used smartly.

What has been your best investment?

My businesses for sure. My illustrati­on work has always let me be creative and satisfy that side of my brain, and The Slate Agency has exercised my love for photograph­y and creative strategy/problem solving, so spending time learning and listening is a different currency, which will pay off I’m sure.

What do you most regret spending money on?

Dh3,000 on a bad pair of shoes (I usually choose well), which I ruined immediatel­y. Price doesn’t always equal quality.

What financial advice would you offer your younger self?

Be firmer with clients. I’ve always tried to keep to deadlines, but companies have on many occasions struggled to pay me on time.

Do you have a plan for the future?

It’s a dream of mine to build up a property portfolio and exercise my love for interior design. It stays within my creative interests although property would be a new venture.

If you won Dh1 million, what would you do with it?

Put some into the business. I’d love to upgrade our equipment and hire more creative staff.

What would you raid your savings account for?

I find it hard to resist travelling. If I find somewhere I can visit easily and that I’d love to take photograph­s of, I have to weigh up whether it’s worth raiding my savings for. It’s tough.

 ?? Christophe­r Pike / The National ?? Natalie Lines once spent Dh5,000 on a “gorgeous” handbag.
Christophe­r Pike / The National Natalie Lines once spent Dh5,000 on a “gorgeous” handbag.

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