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Russia and Iran: Trump’s tightrope

A balancing act will be needed to make good on vows to be tough on Iran while cosying up to Russia, because they have the same interests in the Middle East,

- Foreign Correspond­ent Josh Wood reports jwood@thenationa­

BEIRUT // While the specifics of Donald Trump’s foreign policy are yet to be revealed, some things are certain.

One is that he will seek to build a closer relationsh­ip with Russia and end the hostility that has characteri­sed Barack Obama’s relationsh­ip with Vladimir Putin. Another is that the US will posture itself more aggressive­ly towards Iran and work to undo the diplomatic headway made during the Obama administra­tion.

In the Middle East, however, these two policies represent an inherent contradict­ion as Russian and Iranian interests largely combine and the two nations work closely together. For Mr Trump, balancing warmer ties with Moscow and hostility toward Tehran could emerge as one of his administra­tion’s biggest challenges in the region.

This contradict­ion is most clear in Syria, where Russia and Iran have driven the successes of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad’s war effort. Mr Trump and Moscow say Russia is killing terrorists in Syria, though the reality – and the assessment of the US-led anti-ISIL coalition – is that Russia has devoted the majority of its time and resources in Syria to fighting non-extremist anti-government rebels. Russia’s mission in Syria has been to allow the survival of Mr Al Assad’s regime, propping up a key Iranian ally in the Middle East.

As the Syrian government’s forces have been worn down by years of war, it has increasing­ly turned to Iran-backed fighters, most notably Hizbollah. Russian air strikes in Syria directly benefit these groups on the battlefiel­d, allowing their power – and Iran’s – to swell in Syria.

But Russia’s interventi­on goes beyond coincident­ally helping Iran and its friends and proxies in Syria – there are signs of much closer coordinati­on at work. Iran allowed Russia to use one of its airbases to help its bombing campaign in Syria – although that was later revoked after Moscow bragged about what was apparently meant to be a covert operation.

With Russian troops playing a larger role, interactio­n with Iran- backed factions has become essential on the front line. In government-held areas of Syria, the image of Mr Putin is often seen on posters alongside Mr Al Assad and Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Mr Trump has promised a departure from Mr Obama’s policy of backing the Syrian rebels and said the US could work with Russia in Syria under his presidency. But by doing so, the American president-elect could put the US on the same side – or at least tacitly working with – Iran and its local proxies such as Hizbollah.

Mr Trump’s cabinet is stacked with Iran hawks who rarely miss an opportunit­y to condemn the Islamic republic and bring up Hizbollah’s history of killing American citizens during Lebanon’s civil war.

His nominee for secretary of defence, Gen James Mattis, said during his time at the head of the US central command that the top three threats facing the US were “Iran, Iran, Iran”. He also said the removal of Mr Al Assad would be “the biggest strategic setback for Iran in 25 years” and that the involvemen­t of Iran in Syria has been the only thing to keep Mr Al Assad in power. Lt Gen Michael Flynn, Mr Trump’s pick for national security adviser, has been obsessed with Iran. As director of the defence intelligen­ce agency, he was convinced Tehran was behind the 2012 attack on a US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya – despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. He has also claimed that Iran is closely linked with Al Qaeda.

Lt Gen Flynn has consistent­ly advocated a harder, more confrontat­ional approach to Tehran. He also recognises regional concerns that Iran is trying to expand its power in the region.

However, Lt Gen Flynn is also seemingly an embodiment of the Trump administra­tion’s contradict­ions between Iran and Russia. Despite his condemnati­on of Iran, the national security adviser pick has been seen as close to Moscow, contributi­ng to the state-run RT television station and sitting next to Mr Putin at the channel’s tenth anniversar­y gala. Asked at the event if a 2013 chemical weapons attack by the Iran and Russia-backed Syrian government in Ghouta town was a “false flag”, he said: “Who knows.”

Mr Trump’s vice president, Indiana governor Mike Pence, has been aggressive on Iran, promising to “rip up” the nuclear deal. He has also been tough on Mr Putin, calling him a “small and bullying” leader and broke with Mr Trump’s anti-interventi­on rhetoric on the campaign trail by calling for the US to establish safe zones in Syria.

So far, Mr Trump’s Syria policy has shown the strains of different voices within his administra­tion over the need to confront Iranian ambitions while growing closer with Russia.

Despite saying on the campaign trail that the US should not get involved in Syria’s war and should work with Russia in Syria, as president-elect Mr Trump has said the US would work to set up safe zones for Syrian civilians.

Building any such safe zones would require military protection from the US or its allies, entrenchin­g Washington in Syria’s civil war. Any ability to protect an area from Syrian and Russian jets would likely bolster Syria’s opposition, even if the zone was designed for civilians – something that would upset Russia and complicate any military coordinati­on between Moscow and Washington in the conflict.

 ?? Andrew Harnik / AP ?? Donald Trump in Florida, US, yesterday.
Andrew Harnik / AP Donald Trump in Florida, US, yesterday.

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