The National - News

Russia rubbishes sports doping ‘conspiracy’

Condemns claim of institutio­nal system to cheat


MOSCOW // Russia yesterday condemned a report in The New York Times that said officials had acknowledg­ed a huge sports doping conspiracy, reiteratin­g claims there was no government involvemen­t. The report, published on Tuesday, said the acting director general of Russia’s national anti-doping agency had “for the first time” conceded that officials set up the programme to cheat.

“It was an institutio­nal conspiracy,” Anna Antseliovi­ch was reported as telling the US newspaper in an article datelined from Moscow.

Ms Antseliovi­ch and others interviewe­d continued to reject the characteri­sation of the doping scheme as “state sponsored”, telling the newspaper that top government officials were not involved. But Moscow later attacked the article, with anti-doping agency Rusada insisting that Ms Antseliovi­ch’s words were “distorted and taken out of context”.

The New York Times reporter “took these words out of context, creating the impression that Rusada’s leadership had admitted to an institutio­nal system of a doping cover-up in Russia”, the agency said.

“We want to underline that Rusada does not and cannot have the authority to admit or deny such facts,” it said.

Moscow denies involvemen­t of government

Investigat­or Richard McLaren said in a new report for the World Anti-Doping Agency this month that more than 1,000 Russian athletes in about 30 sports took part in a plan by Moscow sports ministry officials to use banned drugs at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, the 2012 London Summer Games and other events.

Russia has admitted it had a problem with doping but insists there is no proof there of a state-orchestrat­ed doping programme, a dogged denial that critics claim means Moscow will never tackle the issue.

Yesterday the Kremlin repeated earlier rejections of allegation­s of state involvemen­t in doping, while also casting doubt on the newspaper report.

“From the very beginning we have denied any involvemen­t by the state or state institutio­ns or services or agencies in the possible use of doping by sportsmen,” said spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

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