The National - News

Fayyad block is petty and divisive

The US has managed to irritate Palestinia­ns and antagonise the United Nations


Out of nowhere, the new US administra­tion has stumbled into a new row, managing to antagonise the United Nations, irritate Palestinia­ns and cast doubt on its judgment – all in one fell swoop. By blocking the appointmen­t of former Palestinia­n prime minister Salam Fayyad to lead the UN’s mission in Libya, the Trump administra­tion appears to have suddenly changed its mind, embarrassi­ng the new UN secretary-general who believed he had US approval for Mr Fayyad’s appointmen­t.

Palestinia­ns are naturally frustrated that Mr Fayyad has been sidelined simply for being Palestinia­n – although Mr Fayyad’s rivals in high political circles will be pleased.

But the worst damage that has been done is, once again, to America’s reputation. There are good reasons why Mr Fayyad should be the Libyan envoy – as our columnist Hussein Ibish explains on the facing page, he has the experience and temperamen­t – but the block goes beyond the merits of one particular candidate. It is the way the policy appears that is wrong and divisive.

Once again, the US has handed a gift to the extremists: those within Palestinia­n society who refuse conciliati­on with Israel and the United States will point to this as proof. America does not dislike what Palestinia­ns do, they will say, it dislikes who they are. Blocking a candidate based simply on his ethnicity, despite his qualificat­ions, is the very definition of racist.

Israel, too, is implicated: the gleeful way Israel’s UN ambassador greeted the news was petty and unstatesma­nlike. Indeed, Israelis impulsivel­y celebratin­g this should think harder: if appointmen­ts to the UN are so politicise­d, what hope is there for a qualified Israeli to be given such a post in the future?

If Mr Fayyad, one of the most capable Palestinia­ns in government, is ostracised in this way, it will embolden those who believe the US and institutio­ns such as the UN are inherently biased against Palestinia­ns. The rest of the world will take note.

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