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Fifty years of Israel’s war machine

The Moroccan Quarter was a small district of Jerusalem next to the Western Wall that Israel destroyed in 1967 to build a pavilion for Jewish pilgrims. Those who once lived there will never forget that day. Foreign Correspond­ent Naomi Zeveloff reports


It is 50 years since Israel launched a pre- emptive military strike on Egypt and began a war that changed the face of the Middle East.

The Israelis captured the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, and began an illegal occupation of the West Bank that still blights hopes of peace.

Today, The National begins a four- part series on the 1967 Arab-Israeli war – the refugees it created, the families it destroyed, the legacy of mistrust it left behind.

We visit Assaeli Street in Abu Tor, often described as the only mixed neighbourh­ood in Jerusalem, but is in fact deeply divided.

We explain how Israel’s occupation has given its builders access to traditiona­l West Bank limestone for Jerusalem’s new facades – and how Palestinia­n miners and stone cutters harvest the material to build a city they revere but cannot visit without a rare Israeli permit.

And we look at efforts in Qasr Al Yehud, a Christian holy site in the West Bank, to remove deadly mines left behind after the war.

The series begins in what was the Moroccan Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City – bulldozed by Israel in 1967 to build a prayer pavilion for Jewish pilgrims at the Western Wall.

JERUSALEM // With a window that faces on to the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim shrine, and the Western Wall, a Jewish holy site, Mohammed Al Maloudi has one of the most enviable views in Jerusalem’s Old City.

But to the Palestinia­n, 78, it is a panorama of loss. Mr Al Maloudi grew up in the Moroccan Quarter, a small neighbourh­ood that abutted the Western Wall until Israel bulldozed it to build a prayer pavilion there 50 years ago. When Mr Al Maloudi looks out of his window on to the sand- coloured stone terrace filled with Jewish worshipper­s and tourists, he sees his childhood home and the alley where he used to play with his friends, tossing a ball made with his mother’s sock.

This week, Israel marks the 50th anniversar­y of its victory against three Arab armies over six days in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The war placed the Western Wall, the second most sacred site in Judaism, into Jewish hands for the first time in 2,000 years. But one people’s spiritual homecoming led to another’s dispossess­ion.

Today, there is no sign at the Western Wall pavilion recognisin­g the neighbourh­ood that existed there a half century before. The Moroccan Quarter is a historical footnote, largely forgotten by the world and remembered by Palestinia­ns as one in a string of countless tragedies.

But the eviction remains firmly in the memories of the surviving Moroccan Quarter residents, who have passed the story of the place on to their children and grandchild­ren, some of whom dream of reconstitu­ting the old neighbourh­ood in a new location.

On June 7, 1967, Israeli forces captured the Old City from Jordan and “liberated” the Western Wall in Israeli parlance. Israeli paratroope­rs wept in front of the ancient stones, believing that the next chapter of Jewish history was being written before their eyes.

Photograph­er David Rubinger snapped a portrait of three paratroope­rs gazing in reverence next to the wall, now the best-known image from that war.

Jerusalem authoritie­s knew they had to act quickly to accommodat­e Jewish demand to visit the holy site, but it remains unclear exactly who ordered the destructio­n of the Moroccan Quarter.

“There were no formal decisions, no written approvals and no explicit decision- making,” wrote Israeli reporter Uzi Benziman in a recent account in Israel’s Haaretz magazine.

To avoid the appearance of government responsibi­lity, Teddy Kollek, the mayor of Jerusalem at the time, enlisted a group of con- tractors to carry out the deed.

According to an article by the academic Thomas Abowd, published in the Jerusalem Quarterly journal in 2000, residents were given just two hours’ warning to leave their homes.

Fifteen contractor­s arrived at the Western Wall in darkness on June 10, the last day of the war, with bulldozers and other equipment in tow, Israeli historian Tom Segev wrote in his book, 1967.

Their first victims were two pub- lic toilets at the Western Wall, followed by the 135 houses.

One elderly woman was trapped in the refuse of her own home. She made it out but died shortly after – the one life claimed in the clearance.

The rush to demolish created a chaotic scene; people wailed as they watched their homes being reduced to rubble.

Palestinia­n historian Salim Tamari described the haste as “pre- emptive”. The Israelis “didn’t want people to organise themselves or go to court” to halt the evacuation, he said.

Many of the families went back to Morocco with the help of Hassan II, the king of Morocco at the time, wrote Mr Abowd, now a lecturer at Tufts University in the United States.

Others were scattered across Jerusalem, with a large number finding homes in the Shuafat Refugee Camp. Israel compensate­d families with 200 Jordanian dinars each, but about half of them refused to take the money in protest, the community’s head, known as a mukhtar, told Mr Abowd.

Meron Benvenisti, an Israeli administra­tor for East Jerusalem

Residents were given just two hours’ warning to leave their homes

who later served as Mr Kollek’s deputy mayor, was involved in the decision to destroy the Moroccan Quarter. He saw the demolition first-hand.

“It was inevitable, absolutely inevitable,” he said in his apartment in an assisted living facility outside Jerusalem. “If you have war, people die and houses are destroyed.”

Mr Benvenisti said the Moroccan Quarter residents were “victims, no question about it”. But he warned against decontextu­alising the demolition – for years, Jewish visitors to the site had been harassed by Palestinia­ns, he said.

Tensions there boiled over in 1929 in an Arab uprising that killed 133 Jews across British Mandate Palestine. Another 110 Arabs were killed, most by British forces trying to suppress the revolt.

When the wall came under Jewish control in 1967, “it was an outburst of messianic proportion­s”, he said.

“There was no way that the Jewish people could have expressed their feelings towards the Western Wall” if the neighbourh­ood had stayed put. But for Mr Al Maloudi, who keeps a black-and-white photograph of the Moroccan Quarter at his bedside, there is no understand­ing the demolition, only condemnati­on. “They destroyed the future of a people,” he said.

While Mr Al Maloudi now lives just off the path to the Western Wall, other Moroccan Quarter residents are cut off from the area they once called home.

Mahmoud Al Mahdi, 73, lives on a rocky hillside in Abu Dis, a Jerusalem suburb separated from the holy city by Israel’s security barrier. In front of his three-storey home is a small orchard, where Mr Al Mahdi grows grapes, apples, pomegranat­es, peaches and olives. A Palestinia­n flag flaps in the breeze. He has not been to Jerusalem since 2014 or 2015 – he can’t remember precisely – when he was granted a rare permit to enter the city for Ramadan, but he said he was not allowed to visit the Western Wall.

Mr Al Mahdi was once an active member of the Palestine Liberation Organisati­on, and although he is now retired, Israel would not let him enter the holy city, he said.

Even so, Mr Al Mahdi vividly remembers the Moroccan Quarter. Sitting in his living room, where a television showed interviews with parents about the upcoming Palestinia­n school exams, he takes out a piece of paper and a pen and traces the contours of the disappeare­d neighbourh­ood. He draws a long blue line, the Western Wall, and a star, his childhood home.

Mr Al Mahdi’s father came to Jerusalem from Morocco in the 1930s, at the end of his Haj . By then, the neighbourh­ood was well establishe­d as a landing pad for Muslims from the Maghreb.

Several Islamic trusts enabled Muslim families to live in the Moroccan Quarter and work at the Haram Al Sharif – the esplanade that is home to Al Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Sunni Islam. By 1967, there were about 650 people living there, Prof Abowd’s research showed.

For Mr Al Mahdi, living in view of the Western Wall was a special part of growing up. The wall, sacred to Jews as a remnant of the retaining wall of the Second Jewish Temple, which was destroyed by the Romans, is also a religious place for Muslims. They refer to it as the Buraq Wall, where the Prophet Mohammed hitched his white steed – the Buraq – before riding it to heaven on his night journey.

Mr Al Mahdi learnt the ancient history of the stone wall, how it was built by Herod the Great, by reading tourist brochures handed out at the site. Although Jordan prohibited Israeli Jews from going there between 1948 and 1967, Mr Al Mahdi said he sometimes spotted Jewish worshipper­s at the wall, mingling with the tourists.

He recognised them by the way they lingered at the stones, sometimes weeping in mourning over the destroyed ancient temple.

Today, Mr Al Mahdi is unable to reconcile the fact that his family home was destroyed to accommodat­e Jewish prayer. He was away at university in Baghdad during the war. When he reunited with his parents, they told him that they woke up on the night of the demolition to the sound of bulldozers crushing their neighbours’ homes.

“It is inhumane, and it doesn’t make sense at all,” he said.

Late last month , a group of about 40 descendant­s of the Moroccan Quarter families, and a few of the original inhabitant­s, gathered at a Jerusalem sports centre not far from the Western Wall. The group has convened intermitte­ntly over the years in an effort to keep the community alive. But the meeting last month had a special urgency because the community’s neighbourh­ood leader had recently died. It was an opportunit­y to refocus its mission, which might at some point include rebuilding the Quarter anew at a different site, said organiser Hamzeh Mughrabi.

After socialisin­g for a few minutes, the participan­ts, all men, filed into a meeting hall hung with a large sign bearing the Libyan, Moroccan, Tunisian and Algerian flags for a series of speeches and a Quran reading. One elder at the podium said he had not seen such a gathering since 1967. In the audience was Ali Omar Mughrabi, 30. His grandmothe­r, Zulfa Omar Mughrabi, 77, still remembers the demolition of the Moroccan Quarter and how, in the rush to get out, she left behind her month-old daughter.

Israelis saw the baby through the window, and mistook her tiny body, covered in dust, for a grenade. Ms Omar Mughrabi spoke no Hebrew, but a friend interceded on her behalf and she was allowed back into her home. She quickly unwrapped her daughter to prove she was not a weapon, and then continued her flight.

She said her family was the last to leave the Moroccan Quarter. Later, she sold her gold jewellery to feed her children.

Ali grew up hearing such tales of the exodus, but he always felt disconnect­ed from the community that his grandparen­ts left behind.

In the group, he sees a chance to reconnect with the men who might have been his neighbours had his family been allowed to stay in the Moroccan Quarter. While Ms Mughrabi never returned to the site, her grandson visited the Western Wall five years ago, although not by choice. Ali had been arrested for driving without a licence, and he was placed in a community service programme in lieu of serving jail time. Part of the programme was a tour of the Western Wall, which the Israeli guide described as a holy place “for Jews”, Ali said.

He did not want to get in trouble, but he could not let the comment pass unanswered, so he registered a small complaint against the tide of history.

“I said, ‘ No, this is our holy place, where we used to live’,” Ali said.

They destroyed a future of a people Mohammed Al Maloudi survivor

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 ?? Library of Congress ?? The Moroccan Quarter of Jerusalem in 1920. Israel destroyed it in 1967 to build a prayer pavilion for Jewish pilgrims.
Library of Congress The Moroccan Quarter of Jerusalem in 1920. Israel destroyed it in 1967 to build a prayer pavilion for Jewish pilgrims.
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 ?? Hadani Dan / National Archive; ?? Above: Bulldozers at the Western Wall.
Hadani Dan / National Archive; Above: Bulldozers at the Western Wall.
 ?? Photo by Heidi Levine for The National; ?? Left, Mohammed Abed Al Jalel Abed Al Maloudi at his home.
Photo by Heidi Levine for The National; Left, Mohammed Abed Al Jalel Abed Al Maloudi at his home.
 ?? Photos by Heidi Levine for The National. ?? Left, the Moroccan Quarter in 1920, Library of Congress /
Matson; Top, Mahmoud Al Mahdi and his wife at their home. Right, An Israeli tour guide shows a well-known photo of the 1967 war.
Photos by Heidi Levine for The National. Left, the Moroccan Quarter in 1920, Library of Congress / Matson; Top, Mahmoud Al Mahdi and his wife at their home. Right, An Israeli tour guide shows a well-known photo of the 1967 war.
 ?? Source: Graphic News ??
Source: Graphic News
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 ?? Photos by Heidi Levine for The National ?? Right: Meron Benvenisti. Below: Zulfa Omar Mughrabi and her family. She remembers the demolition.
Photos by Heidi Levine for The National Right: Meron Benvenisti. Below: Zulfa Omar Mughrabi and her family. She remembers the demolition.

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