The National - News

Russia out to prove it killed ISIL leader

Bombing raid hit meeting of chiefs


MOSCOW // The Russian army was yesterday seeking to confirm that it had killed ISIL chief Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.

Al Baghdadi was reportedly killed after Russian warplanes hit the group’s leaders in a night raid in Syria last month.

The US said it could not confirm Al Baghdadi’s death.

Russia said its jets carried out a 10-minute strike on May 28 at a place near Raqqa, where ISIL leaders had gathered to plan a retreat from their stronghold. “Senior commanders of the so-called ISIL military council, 30 mid-ranking field commanders and up to 300 militants who provided security for them were eliminated,” the army said.

“According to informatio­n that is being checked through various channels, the leader of ISIL, Ibrahim Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, was also at the meeting and was eliminated by the strike,” it said.

The strike occurred on the night of May 27 after drone footage confirmed the meeting was taking place. Those killed included the “emir of Raqqa” and ISIL’s security chief, Russia said.

The elusive Iraqi-born leader of ISIL is the world’s most-wanted man. He has not been seen in public since proclaimin­g himself “caliph” three years ago. There have been many rumours of Al Baghdadi’s death or wounding. He has been nicknamed The Ghost for his elusivenes­s.

RAQQA // Faced with an onslaught of armed drones, mortar rounds and snipers, USbacked Syrian fighters in Raqqa say the cover of night is a good ally against ISIL.

The Syrian Democratic Forces are battling to expel the extremists from the northern city after breaking into its first neighbourh­ood last week.

After capturing the south-eastern district of Al Meshleb, the fighters were advancing towards the Old City.

In the day time, at a flat in Al Meshleb, the Kurdish-led fighters catch some rest or sip tea after a night on the front line at the edge of the city centre.

“We prefer to fight in the dark, as we have thermal binoculars and weapons equipped with night vision scopes,” said “Kawa”, 20. “There was fighting last night but not for long. The extremists withdrew rapidly, faced with our attacks.”

On the flat’s balcony, he tries to liaise on a walkie-talkie with a fellow fighter at the front, but on the other end his colleague comes under fire.

“ISIL is attacking our positions with mortar fire. I’ll get back to you when the bombardmen­t stops,” said his colleague.

In Al Meshleb, fighters sometimes run into shops and houses to avoid ISIL’s armed drones.

Tolhildan Botan points to one such drone at the foot of a wall in the district, which he said fellow fighters had shot down.

“This is the kind of drone they use to target gatherings of fighters or military vehicles. Sometimes they even target civilians,” he said.

Baran Hassake, a fellow fighter, says battling the extremists is easier at night.

“We advance and gain ground faster and they struggle to respond to our attacks,” said the 18-year-old.

“We know now their tactics,” Mr Hassake said, boasting of knowledge acquired by the forces after recapturin­g several ISIL bastions in Syria.

Empty mortar rounds litter the ground, while the corpses of ISIL fighters can be seen in the rubble of some buildings.

The US-led coalition backing the forces had also been intensifyi­ng its air strikes at night, said commanders and the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights. The United Nations on Wednesday warned of the danger for civilians of “excessive” air strikes on the city, where it said about 160,000 people remained.

The has retaken three neigh- bourhoods since entering the city on June 6, including Al Senaa next to the Old City on Thursday.

This latest advance will allow fighters to launch an assault on the Old City in Raqqa’s densely populated centre, which contains key ISIL positions. On another balcony in Al Meshleb, Mesaab Al Hussein looks out across Al Senaa and towards the city walls of ancient Raqqa, which date back to the Abbasid caliphate.

From 796 to 809, the caliph Harun Al Rashid transferre­d the capital of his empire from Baghdad to Raqqa, which sat at the crossroads of key trade routes.

“The are nearing a part of the wall known as Baghdad Gate,” said Mr Al Hussein.

Pointing to an ISIL flag in the distance, he adds: “We will liberate the entire city.”

 ?? Goran Tomasevic / Reuters ?? Kurdish fighters from the People’s Protection Units open fire at an ISIL drone in Raqqa yesterday.
Goran Tomasevic / Reuters Kurdish fighters from the People’s Protection Units open fire at an ISIL drone in Raqqa yesterday.

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