The National - News


▶ Demonstrat­ion in Beruit today to ‘defend the rights of Syrians’ is cancelled by organisers amid fears of violence

- JOSH WOOD Beirut

Lebanon has banned all protests after calls for demonstrat­ions against what campaigner­s say is the government’s mistreatme­nt of the country’s large Syrian refugee population.

Interior minister Nohad Machnouk announced the ban on Twitter yesterday, saying: “After talks with the security authoritie­s, we took the decision not to approve requests to protest from anyone to preserve peace and civic security.”

A demonstrat­ion in solidarity with Syrian refugees was planned to take place in Beirut today, two weeks after it was revealed that four refugees had died while in custody of the Lebanese army.

The protest was quickly painted by opponents as anti-government, leading to calls for pro-army counter-demonstrat­ions. As fears of violence rose, the solidarity protest was called off by organisers.

Media reported that the administra­tor of a Facebook group promoting the refugee solidarity protest was detained yesterday. Some, including politician­s, spread the idea that the protest was a ruse to escalate conflict between refugees, the army and the Lebanese people.

The four men who died in custody were arrested along with 350 other refugees after Lebanese soldiers were attacked by suicide bombers while raiding refugee camps in the border town of Arsal on June 30. No soldier died in the attacks.

The Lebanese army maintains that the men died of pre-existing conditions, but activists allege the men were tortured.

Meanwhile, the Syrian National Coalition opposition umbrella organisati­on claimed that refugee camps were attacked by Hizbollah and the Lebanese army in retributio­n for the bombings, resulting in the deaths of as many as 29 people.

Since the incident, anti-refugee rhetoric has hit a peak in Lebanon, with politician­s calling for the expulsion of the estimated 1.5 million Syrians who have taken refuge here.

Human rights groups warned that forcing Syrian refugees to return to their country while it is at war would be a breach of internatio­nal law.

Imad Salamey, a professor of political science at Beirut’s Lebanese American University, said the protest ban was an attempt to prevent heated political arguments over the fate of the refugees from turning into conflict on the streets. But, he added, it was also an attempt to shield the army – an institutio­n dependent on foreign donations – from damage if it did abuse refugees.

“The reputation of the army is at stake, which could jeopardise internatio­nal funds and support,” he said. “It seems that the Lebanese government prefers to stop protests and defuse any potential repercussi­ons domestical­ly or internatio­nally that undermine the political establishm­ent or dialogue with the military.”

While the interior minister tied the protest ban to avoiding unrest amid heightened tensions over refugees, there were concerns it was part of an effort to quell dissent in Lebanon.

The ban came as parliament is expected to vote on a tax increase this week, an unpopular move in a country where the government is unable to provide basic services and is largely viewed as corrupt.

The vote has attracted calls for protests at this week’s legislativ­e session.

Blogger Gino Raidy regards the ban as part of an attempt to suffocate free speech.

“It’s very obvious that since the new government was formed and the new president was elected [last October], we’ve seen a rise in efforts to suppress any kind of talk that is not in line with the government,” he said.

“Before you used to get journalist­s and bloggers and activists questioned – now you see them spend a few days in jail for a tweet or a Facebook status [update].”

Bassam Khawaja, a Lebanon researcher with Human Rights Watch, described the protest ban and anti-refugee rhetoric as worrying.

“It’s concerning that the ban was issued without any time limit attached to it. That seems to be a restrictio­n on freedom of expression. But there is no informatio­n on whether it will be actually enforced,” he said.

Yesterday, at least one protest defied the ban, with veterans of the armed forces closing down a road as they called for better pensions.

But it remains to be seen whether demonstrat­ions held by Syrians and protests on politicall­y charged subjects such as alleged human rights abuses by the army will be tolerated.

Mass protests erupted in Beirut during the summer of 2015 when rubbish piled up on the streets of the capital as a result of the closure of Lebanon’s largest landfill.

The demonstrat­ions quickly morphed into a movement against the government and its inability to provide services and corruption.

Activists and observers have intensifie­d warnings in recent years that Lebanon is edging away from democracy. The country has not had a general election since 2009 – and while elections are scheduled for May next year, past promised elections have been scheduled only to be cancelled.

“I think we are drifting a bit from the democratic principles that Lebanon used to be well known for,” Mr Raidy said.

“And I think the reason is that people keep using the excuse of extremism, which is sadly what most Arab countries do in explaining why they are taking away some of the people’s freedom and expecting them to accept it without putting up a fight or asking questions.”

It’s concerning that the ban was issued without any time limit attached to it

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