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Damien McElroy enjoys the celebratio­ns for an institutio­n dedicated to mutual understand­ing


When Abdullah Allabwani walked into a Starbucks in London in April he spotted a packet of grapes priced at £3 and was immediatel­y struck by a wave of anguish for his Syrian hometown.

He translated the sticker price into 1,800 Syrian pounds for 13 grapes. What once was abundant in his village cost a small fortune in London.

“In Alzabadany, a man can walk into any orchard, smell the dewy green leaves, hear the water and the goldfinche­s and eat all kinds of fruits and vegetables from around him whenever he wants, as much as he wants,” the architect said.

“I looked around and saw the people standing in line looking at their mobiles. I felt sorry for myself, bought the few grapes and sent a photo to my father in Turkey. I told him: ‘Now I know the value of our land, Dad. But now we have no land. Alzabadany is gone, Dad’.”

Mr Allabwani tells this story of loss to Qisetna, a network of volunteers in Britain dedicated to the lives of recently arrived Syrians, that is sponsored by the Arab British Centre in London.

Without the centre, Qisetna would not exist, its founders say. It celebrated its 40th anniversar­y last week and marked the legacy of an endowment from Sheikh Zayed, the Founding Father of the UAE.

The mission of the centre has been to foster understand­ing and improving relations between Britain and the Arab world. Decades of cultural impact and shared influence were marked at a reception in City Hall on Thursday at which more than 200 guests heard a tribute from Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Secretary General of the Arab League.

Sulaiman Al Mazroui, the UAE Ambassador in London, recalled the generosity of Sheikh Zayed.

Sir Derek Plumbly, the chairman, described the centre, which operates from a large townhouse in Gough Square, as a hub. This means it operates an open-door policy for all who are interested in Arab and British ties to use its library, attend its events and seek its support.

It also means the centre nourishes and sustains links with a broad spectrum of organisati­ons and events beyond its doors.

“Forty years ago was a time when there was very little by way of effort by friends of the Arab World to push understand­ing. The world has changed so much. One thing remains is that there is a really big need to overcome the stereotype and to get people to see what lies underneath,” he said. “There are more causes out there, more programmes in the context of the war for culture out there and more writing about the subject of refugees for example.”

The scope of the institutio­n’s work ranges from encouragin­g fair trade with Palestine through the Zaytoon organisati­on, to politics with its associatio­n with the Council for Advancemen­t of Arab-British Understand­ing, which engages with MPs over the region’s issues. In all, seven tenants benefit from its office space. In addition, there are long-term collaborat­ions with London Fashion Week, the British Council and the Institute of Contempora­ry Art.

The task of helping the newly arrived settle in to British homes and society took on another dimension as the conflict in Syria and Iraq grew in recent years. The Arab British Centre is proud of its ties to Qisetna, which not only provides a non-political platform for Syrians to tell their stories but assists volunteers working with refugees in the areas of Britain where they settle.

It is also backing a tour of Britain by the Lebanon-based Arab Puppet Theatre to schools to show off Arab culture and develop themes of welcoming refugees.

Plumbly describes two incarnatio­ns of the centre coinciding with the move 15 years ago from its first home in west London to its current location near the home of Samuel Johnson, the great Georgian diarist, off Fleet Street. “When I arrived in Britain in 2002 there might have been one Arab cultural event and everyone would go to it,” said Nadia El Sabia, the director of the centre. “There wasn’t such a flourishin­g scene. Many things have changed. Now on a daily basis, there is a performanc­e or a book reading or event. There are broader horizons and people are using culture to learn more.”

“There is a wealth of talent in the region and that is intrinsica­lly interestin­g to people,” said Mr Plumbly, who cited London’s Shubbak Festival, also a resident of the building.

Getting out of London and making an impact around the country has been a big part of the centre’s recent work.

Last year’s Arab Film festival showed 16 films from the region that were subsequent­ly seen by audiences around the country. A trustee of the centre last week presented a film at the Liverpool Arab Festival and there has been collaborat­ion with the Nour Festival of Arts.

This summer the pioneering Edinburgh Fringe Festival has an Arab focus.

“We are the go-to centre. We have very large networks and if we can’t help someone setting up a project we will connect them with someone who can,” said Ms El Sabia.

Operating at the forefront of the digital frontier offers unparallel­ed opportunit­ies to the Arab British Centre to extend its impact farther still.

“We have a significan­t following among those interested in following the Arab World,” Ms El Sabia said. “Our website is the only site that gives an Arab themed ‘what’s on,’ not just our programmes but also others so that we have a cultural agenda that used by a lot of people,” she said.

The centre increasing­ly uses video to improve access to its events and exhibit its work.

Mr Plumbly and Ms El Sabia share a dream – that the centre can one day establish its own performanc­e venue to give voice to the region’s culture in Europe.

“We would love to have a building with an auditorium and cafe where people can come and share,” Mr Plumbly said.

Ms El Sabia agreed. “It is a dream for the future, but a necessary dream.”

 ?? Courtesy Alex Maguire and The Arab British Centre ?? Sir Derek Plumbly addresses The Arab British Centre’s 40th anniversar­y celebratio­ns. Below, A Performanc­e Desperatel­y in Need of an Audience by the Arab Puppet Theatre Foundation was promoted by the centre
Courtesy Alex Maguire and The Arab British Centre Sir Derek Plumbly addresses The Arab British Centre’s 40th anniversar­y celebratio­ns. Below, A Performanc­e Desperatel­y in Need of an Audience by the Arab Puppet Theatre Foundation was promoted by the centre
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