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Indian politician­s vote for president from Dalit caste

- Agence France-Presse

Indian legislator­s voted yesterday for a president from the bottom of the Hindu caste system.

In an election viewed as strengthen­ing prime minister Narendra Modi’s grip on power, about 4,900 politician­s nationwide voted in the election.

Ram Nath Kovind, the candidate from Mr Modi’s rightwing Bharatiya Janata Party, and a former lawyer and state governor from the Dalit caste, is certain to win.

His main rival is Meira Kumar, another Dalit, of the Congress-led opposition.

Bharatiya Janata, which won the general election in 2014 by a landslide, has for the first time assembled enough electoral college votes across the country to push through its candidate. Congress has traditiona­lly dominated the post.

“This is not rocket science. Ram Nath Kovind will win today,” said Praful Patel, a leader of the small opposition Nationalis­t Congress Party, as he cast his vote.

Mr Modi was among the first to vote, using a especially approved violet ink pen. The election commission barred the use of personal pens to ensure clean voting.

The result will be announced on Thursday.

“The presidenti­al poll this time is historic,” Mr Modi tweeted on the eve of the poll.

“Probably for the first time no party has made any undignifie­d or unwarrante­d comment on the rival candidate.

“Every political party has kept in mind the dignity of this election.”

India’s prime minister wields executive power, but the president can send back parliament­ary bills for reconsider­ation and plays a guiding role in forming government­s.

Analysts said the election of Mr Kovind, 71, would help Mr Modi tighten his grip on power and accrue political capital by sending an important message to the Dalits, a long-disdained electoral group once known as “the untouchabl­es”.

The 200 million Dalits in the country of 1.3 billion people are among India’s poorest communitie­s and are relegated to the margins of society.

Despite legal protection, discrimina­tion is rife and Dalits are routinely denied access to education and other advancemen­t.

Yesterday media reported the case of a Dalit labourer beaten to death by upper-caste attackers, highlighti­ng the plight of the group.

Mr Modi’s rivals have protested against Mr Kovind’s nomination, criticisin­g his associatio­n with the radical right-wing Rashtriya Swayamseva­k Sangh, the ideologica­l power behind Bharatiya Janata.

Ms Kumar, daughter of freedom fighter Babu Jagjivan Ram, was a diplomat before entering politics in 1985 and became India’s first woman speaker in 2009.

Her nomination was seen by many as an opposition attempt to counter Mr Modi’s move to woo Dalits.

The Congress president, Sonia Gandhi, called the contest a “clash of ideas and a conflict of disparate values”.

“We cannot and must not let India be hostage to those who wish to impose upon it a narrow-minded, divisive and communal vision,” Ms Gandhi said.

Votes from Bharatiya Janata’s traditiona­l Hindu base pushed Mr Modi to his 2014 victory.

Dalit support will be key for the party before the 2019 general election as the party has been largely shunned by Muslims, who make up about 14 per cent of the population.

“The Dalit community has bases across the country, especially in all the big, electorall­y significan­t states,” said Nistula Hebbar, the political editor of The Hindu newspaper.

“The community’s vote is important for all, especially for the BJP. In a democracy, their numbers matter a lot.”

The Dalit community has bases across the country, especially in all the big, electorall­y significan­t states

 ?? Harish Tyagi / EPA ?? Prime minister Narendra Modi after casting his vote in India’s presidenti­al election in New Delhi yesterday. His ruling party’s candidate is widely expected to be elected
Harish Tyagi / EPA Prime minister Narendra Modi after casting his vote in India’s presidenti­al election in New Delhi yesterday. His ruling party’s candidate is widely expected to be elected

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