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Are steroids really worth the risk? Bodybuilde­rs must weigh up their options


Bodybuilde­rs buying drugs online to boost performanc­e in the gym are being warned that they could be risking their lives.

The Ministry of Health and Prevention issued the warning, saying some illegally marketed products contain toxic substances that could be fatal if ingested.

All hospitals and directors of medical zones have been alerted about the issue after a recent guidance from the US Food and Drug Administra­tion.

Drug tests on steroid-like substances were found to contain artificial male hormones that could seriously harm health.

“The US Food and Drug Administra­tion warned that many of these products are promoted for bodybuildi­ng, whereas they contain synthetic steroids or hormones related to testostero­ne,” said Dr Amin Al Amiri, assistant undersecre­tary of public health policy and licensing at the ministry.

Apart from liver injury, steroids can cause severe acne, hair loss, aggression and depression.

Doctors should always be consulted before taking such supplement­s, because steroid use can also cause life-threatenin­g reactions such as kidney damage, heart attacks, strokes or pulmonary embolisms, which is a blockage in a major blood vessel in the lungs.

Most rogue products enter the country illegally, coming from companies not licensed to sell in the UAE.

The ministry is increasing inspection­s on pharmacies to check that they comply with the law on sales of medication.

Any found operating illegally will first be warned before prosecutio­n. Sales of banned or unlicensed hormone products could lead to the business being closed.

“The absence of parental control and the lack of awareness among family regarding the risks of hormones and sports steroids contribute­s to the increase of youngsters buying them in gyms and bodybuildi­ng clubs,” Dr Al Amiri said.

“Most young people may not be aware of the health hazards of these hormones, as they don’t talk about it for fear of being ridiculed for using them instead of exerting physical effort to develop.”

Products are usually sold online in the form of food supplement­s, but most are not nutritiona­l supplement­s and are marketed illegally.

Some are also promoted as new medicine that is not yet approved globally.

Doctors and physiother­apists said more teenage boys were asking for help to treat muscle-related injuries, owing to a rising trend of body-conscious males going to the gym at too young an age.

“Young patients come to me with lower back problems and they are doing weight training unsupervis­ed,” said Aditya Ghai, a physiother­apist at Zulekha Hospital.

“This can also damage their confidence, because their mentality shifts from being healthy to looking good.”

 ?? Getty Images ?? Doctors fear young people who work out unsupervis­ed in gyms could end up taking toxic drugs
Getty Images Doctors fear young people who work out unsupervis­ed in gyms could end up taking toxic drugs

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