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▶ Under attack from Iran’s leader, president says he has decided fate of nuclear deal


Donald Trump yesterday revealed that he has made his decision on whether to scrap the Iranian nuclear deal, weeks ahead of an October deadline, prompting his Iranian counterpar­t to use the UN General Assembly as a platform for a personal attack on the US president.

Mr Trump declined to say if he would find Iran to be in breach of the 2015 agreement, a key decision that could lead to the US congress re-imposing sanctions lifted in the wake of the nuclear accord.

“I have decided, I have decided,” he said as he met the Palestinia­n president Mahmoud Abbas. “I’ll let you know what the decision is.”

The administra­tion is finishing its review of US policy towards Iran and the prospect of a US withdrawal from the deal has triggered a scramble by Iran to shore up support from other partners in the pact. The agreement between Iran and six powers – the US, Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia – took years to negotiate but was finally sealed in 2015.

Speaking at the UN General Assembly just minutes after the US president sealed the fate of the agreement, Hassan Rouhani described Mr Trump as a “rogue newcomer to politics”.

“Iran won’t be the first coun- try to violate the agreement, but it will respond decisively and resolutely to its violation by any party,” the Iranian president said. “Destructio­n of [the deal] by rogue newcomers to the world of politics will never impede Iran’s course of progress and advancemen­t.”

It was a rare glint of steel from Mr Rouhani, who seeks to woo western audiences with claims that he is a moderate force seeking to change Iran and its place in the world.

Emile Hokayem, a Middle East analyst at the Internatio­nal Institute for Strategic Studies, said that “sweet words” from the Iranian president and his foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, obscured the country’s destructiv­e record as it pursued its regional agenda.

“Rouhani and Zarif are pros at sweet-talking western, Asian and other audiences,” he wrote. “Trump is making their job much easier.”

Tehran maintains that the deal is a global agreement and has hinted it would seek to maintain the pact with Europe and the others, even if the US withdrew. Rex Tillerson, the US secretary of state, attended a meeting of all countries party to the deal last night, sitting around a table with Mr Zarif for the first time. US officials, however, ruled out any direct dialogue between the pair. Mr Zarif met separately with Federica Mogherini, the top European Union diplomat, and British foreign secretary

Boris Johnson ahead of the conclave.

The pause in Iranian nuclear developmen­t will hold until sunset clauses kick in. Iran has said it is ready to resume its activity on Day 1 after the agreement expires.

Ballistic missile developmen­t has accelerate­d markedly since the deal was signed – a matter that has drawn the concern of US allies around the region and beyond.

At the time, the accord was depicted as a triumph for anti-proliferat­ion efforts and a boost for Iranian reformists. But the removal of sanctions boosted the activity of Iranian-backed militias around the region and freed up resources available to the Revolution­ary Guard. Emmanuel Macron, the French president, has aligned himself with the concerns, saying in New York that restrictio­ns on ballistic missiles needed to be incorporat­ed as a pillar of relations with Iran. Mr Macron also pushed to launch discussion­s for a follow-on deal that would come into effect from 2025 to negate the sunset clause threat. He said that Iranian activities in the region needed to be put on the table.

The wide-ranging pressures on the US to toughen its stance on Iran are driving policy in Washington.

Foreign Policy reported yesterday that Mr Tillerson was considerin­g an array of new sanctions to put Iran under pressure to free Americans it was holding in its jails.

It said the sanctions would lead to the appointmen­t of an envoy to secure the releases, possibly in conjunctio­n with a foreign government undertakin­g mediation efforts. The administra­tion refused to comment on the suggestion that Iranians held in the US could be part of a prisoner swap.

 ?? Reuters ?? Iranian president Hassan Rouhani and his US counterpar­t Donald Trump voiced opposing views at the UN
Reuters Iranian president Hassan Rouhani and his US counterpar­t Donald Trump voiced opposing views at the UN
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