The National - News

Rebels launch new attacks in Hama and reject deals

▶ Offensive led by group with links to Al Qaeda and backed by US


An alliance of rebel factions dominated by a group with ties to Al Qaeda pressed an offensive in northern Syria yesterday after rejecting plans for a deescalati­on zone to be imposed by Russia, Turkey and Iran in an area largely under rebel control.

There were conflictin­g reports as to whether Syrian rebel groups supported by the United States and Turkey were taking part in the attack launched on Tuesday on the border of Hama and Idlib provinces.

The offensive is led by Hayat Tahrir Al Sham, a coalition of rebel groups that controls much of Idlib and is dominated by Jabhat Fatah Al Sham, Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria before ostensibly breaking ties and changing its name from Jabhat Al Nusra.

Idlib is one of four Syrian de-escalation zones proposed by Russia and Iran – both backers of the government – and Turkey at peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan’s capital.

The latest round of talks last week resulted in an agreement between the three countries to jointly deploy 1,500 observers to monitor the Idlib zone. They gave no formal statement on the fate of Hayat Tahrir Al Sham.

Syrian and Russian planes launched nearly 300 air strikes around Hama and Idlib in response to the offensive, the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights said. The observator­y, which monitors Syria’s six-year civil war, also said groups that receive Turkish and US support had joined the rebel attack.

One of the groups denied the observator­y report but said it could launch its own attacks in co-ordination with Hayat Tahrir Al Sham if bombardmen­t continued. Capt Mahmoud Al Mahmoud, a spokesman for the Jaish Al Izza rebel group, said the Russian and Syrian strikes targeted infrastruc­ture and civilians in rebel-held villages where Hayat Tahrir Al Sham had no presence. The bombardmen­t was putting pressure on other groups, including his, to join the fight, he said.

“If it happens, there could be some co-ordination with HTS about the timing,” he said.

He accused the Syrian government of breaking previous ceasefires in the area.

“There was a ceasefire agreement signed in Ankara last year but the regime forces in Hama countrysid­e haven’t complied with that agreement, nor with the many other agreements reached since then,” he said.

The latest fighting could damage the credibilit­y of Turkey, which has provided support for rebel groups in Syria and has some influence over them.

“This battle in Hama embarrasse­s Turkey as a guarantor of rebel groups,” the Jaish Al Izza spokesman said. “In the past, we sent many reports to the Turks on the regime violations in Hama countrysid­e but the Turkish side hasn’t taken any deterring measure. This campaign could ignite the fire of a new battle in northern Hama.”

While the city of Hama has been under Syrian government control throughout the conflict, sections of Hama’s northern countrysid­e fell to the rebels after the uprising began in 2011. Rebel groups have maintained a strong presence in the area since then.

Meanwhile, in eastern Syria, the observator­y reported that the Syrian Democratic Forces, a US-backed militia, had captured 90 per cent of Raqqa from ISIL, which has controlled the city for more than three years.

The SDF began its offensive to recapture Raqqa in June, with the US providing military advisers and artillery and air support. The SDF controlled about 65 per cent of the city last week but the ISIL fighters still there had pulled out recently because of shelling and dwindling supplies, the observator­y said.

The observator­y said it had documented the deaths of more than 1,000 civilians in Raqqa since the beginning of the battle as a result of air strikes and shelling by US-led coalition forces.

Nearly half a million combatants and civilians have been killed since the Syrian conflict began. The United Nations says that more than 5 million people have fled the country, and that more than 6 million are displaced inside it.

 ?? AFP ?? The village of Al Tahh in Idlib province after a reported air strike by Syrian government forces
AFP The village of Al Tahh in Idlib province after a reported air strike by Syrian government forces

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