The National - News

Trump recalibrat­es American engagement

▶ President’s UN speech was based on his desire for deeper involvemen­t with the world


On Tuesday, Donald Trump addressed the world for the very first time. Until then, the president of the United States had spoken about the world, but never directly to it. The 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly offered him the opportunit­y to share his vision with other nations. There was, understand­ably, some trepidatio­n among internatio­nal delegation­s visiting Manhattan in the run-up to the occasion. Would the man elected to the US presidency on the platform of “America first” use his maiden speech before the General Assembly to announce America’s withdrawal from the world?

Mr Trump allayed such anxieties by appearing alongside Antonio Guterres, the secretary general of the UN, on Monday and publicly throwing his weight behind the latter’s ambitious reform agenda for the UN. And for all its populist flourishes, his speech the following day to the UNGA revealed a president who is not so much preparing to withdraw the US from the world as recasting the nature of American engagement with it. Mr Trump affirmed the centrality of sovereignt­y in internatio­nal affairs, rejected the US’s habit of forcing its values on reluctant nations and eschewed the practice of nation building.

To interpret any of this as a prelude to American isolationi­sm is to overlook the fact that the speech was in fact premised on a desire for deeper engagement with the world – an arrangemen­t in which America leads, but others too play their part. Critics who condemn Mr Trump’s threat to “totally destroy” North Korea as irresponsi­ble are neglecting the fact that its purpose was to remind Russia and China, the two powers that back the rogue regime of Kim Jong-un, that their failure to restrain their client could have calamitous consequenc­es.

On Iran, Mr Trump’s clarity was in marked contrast to his predecesso­r’s opacity. It is America’s retreat from the region that bolstered Tehran’s capacity to sow discord here, be it in the form of backing Houthi factions in Yemen or arming the murderous dictatorsh­ip of Bashar Al Assad in Syria. The nuclear deal enriched and emboldened its corrupt government while failing to moderate its malevolenc­e. Mr Trump’s pledge to pull out from the nuclear deal and hold Iran to account is a forceful reassertio­n of American leadership. By citing his visit to Saudi Arabia last year and highlighti­ng the work being done by Riyadh’s Gulf Arab partners to fight terrorism, he implicitly rebuked Qatar as an outlier in the family of “responsibl­e nations”.

Putting “America first” is not contingent on cutting off relations with the world or even retreating from it. America’s interests and global security and peace are not mutually exclusive. Mr Trump’s support for the modernisat­ion of the UN to reflect current realities once again demonstrat­ed that he appreciate­s and understand­s this fact. Mr Trump led the meeting. It was Russia and China that were missing from it.

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