The National - News

‘Burqa ban’ law signals turn to right in Austria


A law prohibitin­g any kind of full-face covering takes effect today in Austria, where strong support for the ban signals potential political upheaval in an upcoming national election.

Parties campaignin­g on an anti-migrant message are poised to win on October 15 and to form a coalition government. Such a rightward swing in a country that has had centrist government­s since the Second World War could embolden politician­s who take a hard line on Islam and immigratio­n.

Last week, the right-wing, anti-migrant Alternativ­e for Germany party won seats in that country’s national parliament for the first time after featuring posters with the slogan “Burqas? We prefer bikinis” in its campaign.

The Austrian law – officially called Prohibitio­n for the Covering of the Face but better known as the “burqa ban” – forbids off-slope ski masks, surgical masks outside hospitals and party masks in public.

Offenders risk a possible fine of €150 (Dh651) and police are authorised to use force with people who resist showing their faces.

Five in seven people surveyed who said they backed the law also said they would vote for the two parties that critics link to anti-Muslim sentiment – the xenophobic Freedom Party and the People’s Party.

The People’s Party avoids the Freedom Party’s inflammato­ry talk, but has swung from the centre under new leader Sebastian Kurz to echo that party’s positions on migration.

The Social Democratic Party, the majority partner in the government coalition with the People’s Party, has been struggling.

Under chancellor Christian Kern, the Social Democrats are focusing on social topics and claiming credit for Austria’s recent economic upturn. But Mr Kern’s message is not going across well with voters.

A Unique Research poll of 1,500 respondent­s published on Thursday showed the Social Democrats with 27 per cent support, ahead of the Freedom Party at 25 per cent but trailing the People’s Party with 34 per cent.

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