The National - News

Kurds will need diplomacy and strategy to persevere


Nothing about the Kurdish independen­ce referendum in Iraq ought to surprise anyone. Kurdish politician­s were too busy scoring nationalis­tic points to postpone it, as would have been wise.

The Kurds’ neighbours Iran, Iraq and Turkey - by recklessly and foolishly throwing their weight and bluster around in the run-up to the vote, ensured both a high turnout and an overwhelmi­ng “yes” result of more than 90 per cent, neither of which were by any means guaranteed a few weeks ago.

And Washington, which discourage­d the referendum, has once again demonstrat­ed that, these days, even its closest friends rarely heed its advice. So, what now?

Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani says a “long process” of negotiatio­ns between Erbil and Baghdad will soon commence about the terms of separation.

Obviously, a dialogue between the Kurds and the Arabs of Iraq, as well as Turks, Iranians and others, is necessary and inevitable. Hopefully, it will be an exchange of words rather than bullets. But that’s hardly guaranteed.

The Kurds’ antagonist­s are all being decidedly belligeren­t.

Not only are the Iraqis and Turks holding joint military exercises adjacent to Kurdish territorie­s, but the Iranians are also conducting military manoeuvres of their own, also unmistakab­ly aimed at intimidati­ng Erbil.

Perhaps even more significan­tly, Baghdad has imposed what, thus far, appears to be a fairly effective air-traffic blockade against the Kurdish government.

Because Iraqi authoritie­s legally control the airspace over the Kurdish territorie­s, their demand that all internatio­nal flights cease left most carriers with little choice but to suspend travel or face a wide range of unpalatabl­e problems, including prohibitiv­e insurance rates.

It is unlikely Baghdad will have as much success with its demand that the Kurdistan Regional Government hand over control of its two internatio­nal airports. But what use are runways if nobody will fly in and out of them?

These responses are all designed to remind the Kurds that not only are they surrounded by potential enemies, but their territory is also landlocked, and thus dependent on the minimal goodwill of at least one, if not all, of its immediate neighbours. Right now, they’ve managed to thoroughly alienate them all.

Moreover, a potential immediate flashpoint looms menacingly.

The otherwise idyllic town of Tuz Khurmatu, 90 kilometres south of the disputed city of Kirkuk, has been the scene of deep sectarian tensions in recent years.

It is split between largely Shiite Turkmen and largely Sunni Arabs and Kurds, “protected” by sectarian Shiite militias on one side and Kurdish Peshmerga forces on the other. If sectarian Shiite “Popular Mobilisati­on Forces”, or even the Iraqi military, react violently to the Kurdish independen­ce moves, it will probably begin in or near Tuz Khurmatu, but it will be hard to keep it there.

If violence erupts and spreads, it could engender a more generalise­d conflagrat­ion. And if things go badly for the Shiite militias, it’s not hard to imagine Hizbollah, no longer as urgently needed in Syria as before, dispatchin­g its own forces across yet another border in support of Iranian hegemony.

All this must be avoided in everyone’s interests.

Eventually, Kurds will undoubtedl­y achieve their statehood.

But they can’t do that if their neighbours, particular­ly the Arabs of Iraq and, most of all, Turkey, haven’t yet been convinced of the benefits.

No one knows what Mr Barzani has in mind when he invokes a “long process”. But if it’s as long as it could, and probably should, be, then another obvious step towards eventual Kurdish statehood would be the developmen­t of a radically decentrali­sed, extremely loose, confederat­ed system within a nominally and formally united Iraq.

In such a scenario, Kurds could negotiate virtually everything they would practicall­y want out of statehood, but without some of the formal trappings, while also gaining time to get their deeply dysfunctio­nal domestic political house in order and begin to

Kurds are not only surrounded by potential enemies, but their territory is also landlocked

lay the groundwork with the rest of Iraq, Iran and, especially, Turkey, for the next stage at some future date.

There are clear benefits to all the other parties as well, particular­ly since such a scenario avoids the bloody conflict that has accompanie­d almost all successful secession movements in recent decades, with the exception of Slovakia.

On September 23, the UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, on Twitter recommende­d that Iraqis consider the “flexibilit­y and functional­ity” of the Emirates’ experience with a federal system.

Obviously, the arrangemen­t in Iraq would look radically different from that in the UAE.

But this suggestion offers not only a way out of a dangerous quagmire, but a serious, practical and wise path forward, for all parties, above all the Kurds in their morally unquestion­able but still politicall­y labyrinthi­ne quest for eventual statehood.

De facto independen­ce in a highly decentrali­sed and federated, but nominally unified Iraq, wasn’t what the Kurds voted for last week.

But it would be a strategica­lly shrewd move towards their ultimate goal of de jure independen­ce.

A Kurdish state won’t result from a referendum or by magic. It can only be the result of persistenc­e, sharp diplomacy and wise strategy.

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