The National - News



Can’t afford the bills? Maybe your house is simply too big

I refer to your article Residents say tax on water and electricit­y will add to rising utility

bills (November 10). I think this article sums up the problem: big villas. My advice is: simply go live in a smaller house, in which bills will become easy to manage. I would love to live in a grand villa but I know that I can’t afford it, so I live within my means and my bills are perfectly manageable. Tanya Milbourne, Abu Dhabi

Drivers must be protected from fatigue

I refer to your article New law needed to ensure lorry drivers aren’t ‘dangerousl­y overworked’ (November 12). I know a company that made workers work for 24 hours to rotate the shift and they were managing one of the most prestigiou­s projects in Dubai. The management of the contractor were aware of this but took no action. Jason Dalmeida, Ras Al Khaimah

Taxi drivers too, please. I have had drivers fall asleep at the wheel and have made them pull over to get coffee or take a short nap while I hail another cab. One cannot blame them. Malinda Smalberger, Abu Dhabi

Legal loopholes are to blame for scapegoati­ng in India

Your article, Indian schoolboy’s murder exposes police

prejudice against the poor (November 12), was a shocker to read. It’s not so much prejudice, if you ask me, but more contempt towards the rule of law, which allows certain people in authority to turn helpless, vulnerable people into scapegoats for the crimes committed by others. Prayag Pal, Dubai

Insurance cover for cancer is inadequate

I refer to your article Cancer treatment costs often a double blow for patients (November 12). One of the problems is that those on lower pay-scales will often have insurance plans with insufficie­nt coverage or plans where the annual limit is low. With the rising costs of chemothera­py drugs, their quota is bound to run out fast. Raj Jheeta, Al Ain

There is no reason to fret about the new taxes

I refer to your article Water and electricit­y bills to be subject to 5 per cent tax (November 8). For those concerned about whether they will be able to save any money after the tax comes into effect, I can assure you that you can. As long as you live in reasonably priced accommodat­ion, don’t go out all the time, don’t always go on fancy holidays and hunt for bargains, there is no reason to be broke at the end of the month. Why not find a new hobby, like cycling, or go sand-duning or camping instead of splashing your cash at malls and hotels. I find such activities to be way more fun, anyway. Cut up your credit cards. If you live within your means, then all will be well. Name withheld by request

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