The National - News


▶ Hearing begins in New York following investigat­ions into Fifa’s financial operations


The trial began yesterday of three senior South American football officials accused of corruption in a case prosecutor­s said would expose the lies and greed at the heart of Fifa, the sport’s governing body.

Jose Maria Marin, Manuel Burga and Juan Angel Napout have each pleaded not guilty to racketeeri­ng, wire fraud and money laundering conspiraci­es.

They are the first defendants to go to trial at Brooklyn’s federal court as a result of the sprawling investigat­ion that has hollowed out the upper ranks of Fifa since seven officials were arrested at Baur au Lac hotel in Zurich in May 2015.

So far more than 40 officials and sporting executives have been charged in what prosecutor­s say is a US$200 million (Dh734m) conspiracy stretching over a quarter of a century. Some 23 people have already pleaded guilty.

In his opening statement, Keith Edelman, US assistant attorney, said the case against the three defendants would focus on the way TV, sponsorshi­p and marketing rights were sold for the two South American events – the Copa America and the Copa Libertador­es.

He singled out an event in 2014 when officials gathered at a hotel in Miami to launch a bold plan to expand the centenary version of the Copa America and hold it in the US.

“By all appearance­s it’s a proud moment in the history of the game. There are drinks, press conference­s but beneath the surface are lies, greed, corruption,” he said.

“That’s because some of those… officials had other reasons to celebrate.”

He went on to explain how rather than using money generated from selling those rights to promote the sport – building pitches or developing young players – some of those present in Miami were planning to use it “to line their own pockets”.

“Three of those officials are here in this courtroom,” he said, before introducin­g each of the three defendants in turn.

Marin, 85, is the most high-profile of the defendants. He was president of Brazil’s Football Confederat­ion, the sport’s governing body in one of its most important and lucrative markets.

Napout, 59, headed South America’s governing body and is a former Fifa vice president, and Burga was the most senior football official in Peru until 2014.

The case is being heard amid the sort of security usually reserved for mafia cases. The jury was sworn in anonymousl­y after attempts influence the outcome of the case were reported to the judge.

Prosecutor­s say the defendants used shell companies, offshore accounts and bagmen to keep their dealings secret. The evidence against them includes ledgers kept by the executives who paid the bribes, records of wire transfers and the testimony of other people who have been charged.

For the first time the explosive details will be laid out in a courtroom, revealing the full extent of a scandal which has already rocked the higher reaches of the football world.

The case has fuelled concern about corruption in the way Russia and Qatar secured World Cup tournament­s in 2018 and 2022 respective­ly.

Sepp Blatter, president for 17 years, and other officials were ousted as the full scale of the problem emerged.

Each time Fifa dismissed officials suspected of corruption a new wave would take their place promising reform only to continue lining their pockets, reads the criminal complaint against the defendants.

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