The National - News




1. Bubble of skin to burn with scalding words (7)

5. Data fed into memory as opposed to outtake (5)

8. Take a close look at parking when bluebottle is around (7) 9. Oven-cooked meat topping is poisonous (5)

10. Aid or Med put back for two-and-six? (4-5)

12. Scrape up the weeds on the promontory (3)

13. Fruit that gives a fellow energy (5) 17. The right to put back the rubbish (3) 19. Writers one tries when about to sit around (9)

21. Material supplied to a boy in Russia (5) 22. Rush about wildly with a politician in a fury (7)

24. Larceny of article the Financial Times takes (5)

25. Bee went astray with something on either wing (7)


1. Bounty captain found Turk's-head injurious to plants (6)

2. Narrow and prejudiced, liar is upset with the Sun (7)

3. Front of shoe starts treading on everything (3)

4. Proportion of air to be mixed in it (5) 5. List of contents to make up with Roy perhaps (9)

6. Drink in a bowl delivered by duke (5) 7. How could wood used for building be trim? (6)

11. Efficient way to be in contest with the National Theatre (9)

14. An error in Keats I'm sorting out (7) 15. A health to profession­als with fashionapp­eal (6)

16. A set form adopted by the Navy to the rear of a ship (6)

18. Short trees get chopped up (5) 20. Team of poor players will use sweeper hard (5)

23. Tangled head of hair on which one is hauled over the coals (3)

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