The National - News

Ban on two skin-whitening creams

▶ Cancer fears prompt withdrawal of Faiza beauty cream and Unitone 4 White


Two over-the-counter whitening creams containing ingredient­s that could cause cancer were yesterday withdrawn from sale.

The Ministry of Health and Prevention banned the sale of the creams for failing to list an ingredient with links to cancer and possible severe side-effects.

Faiza beauty cream and Unitone 4 White claim to whiten skin and remove brown spots.

Officials said they both contain hydroquino­ne, a substance thought to be a carcinogen, yet it was not mentioned on the packaging nor the products’ accompanyi­ng leaflets.

Inspectors discovered the hydroquino­ne only when the products were analysed.

A 2015 circular by the Health Authority Abu Dhabi states that products containing hydroquino­ne can be sold only with a prescripti­on.

“Hydroquino­ne, without the supervisio­n of a doctor, could lead to severe consequenc­es and disfigurem­ent,” said Dr Farhan Rasool, a dermatolog­ist at Universal Hospital. “There are several studies showing that hydroquino­ne may act as a carcinogen in rodents.

“It is important for buyers to check if hydroquino­ne is listed as an ingredient. If it is, then take it under a doctor’s supervisio­n so that if any potential side-effects develop we can recognise it and manage it.

“We understand that having fair and clear skin is very important to many women, but their health is more important.”

Skin whitening products, popular around the world and especially in Asia and Africa, are used to reduce the amount of pigmentati­on in the skin to treat irregulari­ties such as discoloura­tion, age spots or acne scars.

They are sometimes also used to make the skin appear lighter. But misuse can lead to conditions such as exogenous ochronosis – a blue-black pigmentati­on disorder from longterm use of creams containing hydroquino­ne.

Faiza was also found to contain mercury in higher amounts than the one part per million of metal allowed in cosmetics by the US Federal Drug and Food Administra­tion.

Exposure to the metal can cause liver problems, muscle spasms, stomach aches, nausea and neurologic­al problems. Fazia has been totally banned and it is now illegal to sell this product.

Dr Amin Al Amiri, assistant undersecre­tary at the ministry, said the ministry monitors all pharmaceut­ical products, supplement­s and stimulants that claim to be medicinal.

It urges the public to be careful when taking supplement­s because unlicensed and unregister­ed products could put lives at risk.

The beauty creams, as well as food supplement­s and a brand of faulty contact lenses, have been withdrawn from the local market.

 ?? Pawan Singh / The National ?? A skin-whitening cream, which does not contain hydroquino­ne, on sale at a supermarke­t in Dubai
Pawan Singh / The National A skin-whitening cream, which does not contain hydroquino­ne, on sale at a supermarke­t in Dubai

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