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Discovery shows ‘Dracula’ ticks fed on blood of feathered dinosaurs


Ticks have been making life miserable far longer than human beings have walked the Earth – dinosaurs were also victims of the blood-suckers.

Scientists have found ticks, including an unknown species that they named after Dracula, entombed in chunks of amber in Myanmar from 99 million years ago, including one still grasping a feather from a Cretaceous period dinosaur.

One of the ticks belonging to the species Deinocroto­n draculi, or “Dracula’s terrible tick”, was so engorged that it increased its size eight-fold.

If that sounds familiar, it is the premise of the Jurassic Park books and movies in which DNA extracted from the guts of dinosaur-biting mosquitoes trapped in amber was used to recreate dinosaurs.

Do not expect any cloning from these ticks.

“It seems that modern techniques are unable to extract DNA, or at least sufficient­ly well-preserved DNA, from amber inclusions,” said palaeontol­ogist Ricardo Perez-de la Fuente of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, one of the researcher­s whose study was published in the journal Nature Communicat­ions.

“DNA does not stand the passing of millions of years when entombed in amber,” Dr Perez-de la Fuente said.

Amber, fossilised tree resin, has provided a remarkable window into the past. In this case, it offered the first direct evidence of a parasite-host relationsh­ip between ticks and feathered dinosaurs.

The characteri­stics of the feather being grasped by an immature tick did not allow the researcher­s to pinpoint a type of dinosaur that was the parasite’s blood meal.

Two of the Dracula ticks provided indirect evidence of these parasites feeding on dinosaurs.

Hair-like structures from the larvae of so-called skin beetles were found attached to the ticks. Modern skin beetles feed in nests, eating feathers, skin and hair from the occupants.

 ??  ?? Ticks have fed on blood of other creatures for millennia
Ticks have fed on blood of other creatures for millennia

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