The National - News

Zimbabwe army chief retires to open the door for role as vice president


Zimbabwe yesterday announced the retirement of army chief Constantin­o Chiwenga, who led a coup that ended Robert Mugabe’s 37year rule, in a move seen as paving the way for his elevation to the vice presidency.

Gen Chiwenga warned that the army would step in to put a stop to feuding in the ruling Zanu-PF party.

“Gen Constantin­o Chiwenga is set to retire,” said Misheck Sibanda, the chief secretary to president Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Dewa Mavhinga, southern Africa director of Human Rights Watch, said Gen Chiwenga’s retirement was pending a move “likely to be vice president”, while asking on Twitter “is this what the military takeover was really about?”

The government also announced the impending retirement of police chief Augustine Chihuri, a close ally of Mr Mugabe associated with a faction that backed the deposed president’s wife, Grace, as his successor.

Zimbabwe’s military took charge on November 15 as internal feuding escalated in the governing party over Mr Mugabe’s succession.

The army said it was targeting Mr Mugabe’s corrupt allies, just a few days after he dismissed his deputy –Mr Mnangagwa – who had strong links to the military.

The interventi­on was followed by mass street protests and a motion to impeach Mr Mugabe, who resigned in a letter to parliament on November 21.

The army said yesterday it was ending the operation. “The defence and security services come before you to pronounce the end of Operation Restore Legacy,” Zimbabwe National Army commander Lt Gen Phillip Sibanda said. “Normality has now returned to our country,” Gen Sibanda said. “We want to thank all Zimbabwean­s for their support, patience and understand­ing during the five weeks.”

But he also called on people to watch out for “malcontent­s and saboteurs” and “remain vigilant and report any suspicious objects and individual­s to law enforcemen­t agents.

“This is because some of the members of the G-40 cabal that had surrounded the former head of state are now bad-mouthing the country from foreign lands, where their intentions to harm the peace and tranquilit­y that exist in our country have been pronounced,” he said.

He was referring to the Generation-40 group that supported Mrs Mugabe.

The new president, has pledged to mend relations with the West and revive the economy. He has appointed several military officers in his cabinet.

Normality has now returned to our country. We want to thank all Zimbabwean­s for their support and patience PHILLIP SIBANDA Zimbabwe National Army commander

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