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John McCain, one of eight American senators in their eighties, is set to miss a critical vote on the overhaul


The age of Republican senators may prove to be a problem for the party as it strives to pass tax reforms and give US president Donald Trump his first legislativ­e victory before the end of the year.

With only a slight majority every vote counts, especially after already losing one senior senator’s vote to illness.

John McCain, 81, was returning home to Arizona after being admitted to hospital for side effects of chemothera­py for a brain tumour, and will miss this week’s vote.

The office of Mr McCain, who has proved a major thorn in Mr Trump’s side, said he would return to Washington next month and continue his physical therapy and rehabilita­tion at the Mayo Clinic.

“He is grateful for the excellent care he continues to receive and appreciate­s the outpouring of support from people all over the country,” his office said.

“He looks forward to returning to Washington in January.”

Meanwhile, Thad Cochran, 80, is recovering from having a non-melanoma lesion removed from his nose last week.

Their struggles are seen in part as a symptom of what is by some measures the oldest US senate ever, with eight senators in their 80s.

The White House is preparing for their absence and the chance of a tied vote.

Mike Pence, the vice president, has delayed a trip to Israel in case he is needed to break a tie.

Jeanne Zaino, professor of political science at Iona College, said Republican senate leader Mitch McConnell would have to be careful in timing the vote to make sure as many of his senators as possible were present.

“The Republican­s on the senate side are incredibly old and it can have a tremendous impact when the margin is this thin,” Ms Zaino said.

“If they lose just three people – not only in terms of support on the bill, but in hospital or in some way unable to participat­e – that can have a huge impact.”

It marks yet another hurdle for a government that has suffered a string of setbacks as it seeks its first legislativ­e win.

Republican­s suffered a humiliatin­g blow when they failed to pass their landmark healthcare bill, which would have repealed ObamaCare.

Failing to pass a massive tax cut while controllin­g the senate and house of representa­tives would be deeply embarrassi­ng.

The bill offers the widest-ranging overhaul of the tax code in three decades, slashing corporate tax from 35 to 21 per cent to bring overseas business back into the country and create jobs for Americans.

But critics warn the cuts will add $1.46 trillion to the national debt over the next decade and lower taxes on the wealthiest, while a reduction in tax breaks and credits will mean other taxpayers will see fewer if any benefits

“This is happening. Tax reform under Republican control of Washington is happening,” Paul Ryan, speaker of the house, told members on Friday.

“Most critics out there didn’t think it could happen … and now we’re on the doorstep of something truly historic.”

Republican­s are desperate to hold the senate vote before the end of the year, after which Doug Jones, the Democrat who won a special election in Alabama last week, takes his seat.

That will put the Republican majority at 52-48, rather than 51-49. Mr McCain and Mr Cochrane missed votes last week.

Initially, officials said they would both be available for the tax vote, which is expected today or tomorrow.

The Republican­s’ efforts to have ailing members votes recall those of Ted Kennedy during the early part of Barack Obama’s presidency.

Mr Kennedy travelled to Capitol Hill several times to vote on healthcare matters and push through the president’s economic stimulus during the final year of his life, after having the same type of cancer as Mr McCain’s diagnosed.

But perhaps the most dramatic Senate scene in history came during the Democrats’ successful effort to break the filibuster on what would become the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

As the clerk read through the list of senators’ names he came to that of Clair Engle, who had been brought to the chamber despite his partial paralysis.

Mr Engle was unable to speak, so pointed to his eye to signify “aye”.

If they lose just three people ... that can have a huge impact JEANNE ZAINO Professor of political science

 ?? Reuters ?? John McCain, who was admitted to hospital for side effects of chemothera­py, said he would return to Washington next month and continue his physical therapy and rehabilita­tion
Reuters John McCain, who was admitted to hospital for side effects of chemothera­py, said he would return to Washington next month and continue his physical therapy and rehabilita­tion

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