The National - News

Amid chaos in Libya, a glimmer of hope

▶ Khalifa Haftar can credibly claim to be a uniquely unifying figure in a fractured country


The Middle East is yet to recover from the uprisings sparked seven years ago this week by a Tunisian fruit seller’s lone protest. Mohamed Bouazizi’s death by self-immolation altered forever the political landscape of this region. Tunisia has emerged comparativ­ely more stable. In Libya, however, even the death of the nation’s dictatoria­l ruler, Muammar Qaddafi, has not been enough to liberate it from his grim legacy. The hollowing out of institutio­ns by Qaddafi and his family during their decades of misrule plunged Libya into chaos when they were removed from the scene.

Despite the efforts of the internatio­nal community, the Government of National Accord establishe­d through a UN-brokered agreement in 2015 has not succeeded in uniting Libya or in diminishin­g the power of the armed factions who operate in various parts of the country. Against this backdrop, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s declaratio­n on Sunday that he and his forces will submit themselves only to the will of the Libyan people is an important developmen­t, as it strongly indicates that he’s preparing to contest the presidenti­al elections scheduled to take place next year. There is a growing sense among many Libyans that decelerati­ng their nation’s seeming disintegra­tion will require a strong leader capable of leading and shaping public opinion while respecting democratic restraints on power. Certainly, given Libya’s vast reserves of oil, prosperity and superior standards of living are realistic aspiration­s, within the country’s reach.

Political divisions and violence are the primary obstacles to realising the country’s full potential. But not only is Libya not moving towards stability; recent events suggest that violence is now spreading to regions that were once relatively peaceful. On the same day that Field Marshal Haftar made his announceme­nt, the mayor of Misrata was assassinat­ed. This means that the violence that has scarred the rest of the country is now creeping into its third largest city, which is home to the nation’s largest port and, thanks to its reputation for relative peace, still hosts foreign businesses. The rest of Libya should be striving to emulate Misrata; but, if things continue as they are, Misrata may come to resemble other parts of Libya. Despite its best intentions, the GNA, led by Fayez Al Sarraj, has not been able to arrest Libya’s slide into ever deeper chaos. Field Marshal Haftar’s successes with Operation Dignity, which routed terrorists from Benghazi, has elevated him to an authoritat­ive position in Libya. No Libyan leader can be said to command the overwhelmi­ng affection of all its people, but Field Marshal Haftar can credibly claim to be a well-placed figure in that deeply fractured country. His announceme­nt on Sunday is a reason for renewed hope.

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