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Palestinia­n rage will rise to the surface in time

- Jonathan Cook Jonathan Cook is an independen­t journalist in Nazareth

It is tempting to interpret the announceme­nt of a delay, however brief, in US vice president Mike Pence’s visit to the Middle East this week as the ultimate travel warning. It follows an eruption of regional unrest over Donald Trump’s recognitio­n of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

On Friday, during protests, Israeli occupation forces killed four Palestinia­ns and injured more than 250.

US officials, however, are not worried about the safety of Mr Pence, who is due in Israel on Wednesday. In fact, prediction­s of a third Palestinia­n uprising in response to Mr Trump’s Jerusalem declaratio­n may be premature.

After decades of flagrant US bias towards Israel, Mr Trump has only confirmed to Palestinia­ns what they already knew. Some even grudgingly welcomed his candour. They hope he has finally silenced US claims to being an “honest broker” in an interminab­le “peace process” that has simply bought time for Israel to entrench the occupation.

The Palestinia­ns’ anger towards Israel and the US is a slow-burning fuse. It will detonate at a moment of their choosing, not of Mr Trump’s.

Rather, the hesitation in Washington over the vice president’s visit reflects the messy new diplomatic reality that the White House has unleashed.

Mr Pence was due here to smooth the path to Mr Trump’s long-promised peace plan and to highlight the plight of Christians in the Middle East. The door has now been firmly shut in his face on both counts. Palestinia­n officials have declared a boycott, as have Christian leaders in Palestine and Egypt.

Instead of cancelling Mr Pence’s visit or exploiting the extra days’ breathing space to try to reverse the damage, the bull-headed Trump administra­tion is eager to break more of the china.

Following the diplomatic precedent set in May by his boss, Mr Pence is scheduled to visit the Western Wall on Wednesday night in Jerusalem’s occupied Old City and immediatel­y below the Al Aqsa mosque plaza.

Described as “official”, his visit will be invested with far graver symbolism following Mr Trump’s designatio­n of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The US policy change on Jerusalem has been a hammer blow to the three main pillars supporting the cause of Palestinia­n statehood: the Palestinia­n Authority, the European Union and the Arab states.

The biggest loser is Palestinia­n president Mahmoud Abbas. Washington stripped him of his emperor’s clothes: he now heads a Palestinia­n government-in-waiting that is unlikely ever to be attached to a state, viable or otherwise.

The Arab states, which assumed they were the key to a much-touted “outside-in” strategy, creating a regional framework for peace, have been deprived of the single issue – Jerusalem – that matters most to them.

Egypt scrambled to help Mr Abbas at the weekend by drafting a UN security resolution to rescind any change of status for Jerusalem. But an inevitable US veto makes the move moot.

And Europe, which has played “good cop” to the bullying US one, has been exposed as complicit in its partner’s rogue behaviour.

Europe’s predicamen­t is underscore­d by its peace-making rhetoric. It has long cried wolf, warning that a moment would soon arrive when a two-state solution was no longer feasible and a temporary occupation morphed into permanent apartheid.

Now that the heart of a Palestinia­n state has been publicly devoured by the wolf, what will Europe and Mr Abbas do?

The signs are that they will pretend nothing has changed – if only out of fear of what might fill the void if peace-making were exposed as a hollow charade.

But it is precisely the pretence of a peace process that has kept Palestinia­ns chained to an illusion. The perpetuati­on of false hope about statehood does not benefit Palestinia­ns; it preserves a calm that aids Israel.

That was why the White House accused Mr Abbas of walking away from dialogue last week. But only a fool keeps on appealing to the better nature of a deaf thug.

The burden now falls on the PA, the Arab states and Europe

Palestinia­ns will have to shame Israel, the US and the watching world to gain equal rights in a single state

to accept the new reality, and assert a policy independen­t of the US.

Some Palestinia­n leaders, like Hanan Ashrawi, already understand this. “Trump’s move is a new era,” she said last week. “There’s no going back.”

Palestinia­n goals and strategies must be reassessed. Nonetheles­s, the pressures for a return to the “peace” business as usual will be intense.

Ordinary Palestinia­ns in Jerusalem may be the first to signal the new direction of struggle – one that recognises that a Palestinia­n state is dead and buried.

In recent years, growing numbers have started applying, as Israeli law entitles them to, for Israeli citizenshi­p. Israel has twisted and turned to delay honouring its commitment, even as it calls Jerusalem its “united capital”.

Palestinia­ns will have to shame Israel, the US and the watching world by adopting the tools of an anti-apartheid struggle – of non-violent resistance and civil disobedien­ce – to gain equal rights in a single state. At the moment, the undercurre­nts of Palestinia­n rage chiefly swirl below the surface. But they will rise in time, and the consequenc­es of Mr Trump’s deed will become all too apparent.

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