The National - News


▶ Argument centres on whether military arm and political side are two separate factions or under one leadership


The British Parliament has debated widening its ban on the Islamist Lebanese faction Hezbollah amid claims of flaws in the official assessment behind the group’s current designatio­n.

The group’s military wing is currently prohibited in the UK while its political wing remains free to operate, and it is this differenti­ation that has caused the controvers­y.

In 2001, the group’s external security organisati­on was proscribed and the ruling was extended to Hezbollah’s entire military apparatus in March 2008. But almost 10 years later, many prominent politician­s argue that the current proscripti­on does not go far enough.

The current ban relies on a differenti­ation between Hezbollah’s political and military wings.

In Lebanon the group has ministers in the government as well as a standing militia of several thousand men.

Proponents of the new ban claim this is a false distinctio­n.

Introducin­g the motion, member of parliament Joan Ryan said “it is an artificial distinctio­n” and that it was “time to end this dangerous game of semantics”.

Writing this week, Dr Matthew Levitt, director of the counter-terrorism programme at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said: “The problem with the UK model is two-fold: first, it is based on a fiction which Hezbollah itself rejects; and second, this half-measure has not stopped Hezbollah from operating on British soil or underminin­g British interests abroad.”

He said “this a political distinctio­n of convenienc­e which Hezbollah’s own leaders reject. In 2000, Hezbollah deputy secretary general Naim Qassem explained that ‘Hezbollah’s secretary general is the head of the Shura Council and also the head of the Jihad Council, and this means that we have one leadership, with one administra­tion’”.

UK government policy currently stands against raising the designatio­n on the grounds that any such interventi­on could destabilis­e Lebanon, where the group has several MPs and ministers in the government.

Prior to yesterday’s debate, Labour MPs were advised to vote against a renewed designatio­n of Hezbollah on the grounds it could damage efforts for peace in the Middle East.

The party’s leader and UK opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has previously drawn criticism for a 2009 parliament­ary meeting in which he referred to the group and Hamas as friends.

A Labour party briefing note claimed: “There is a balance between making absolutely clear our abhorrence of using violence to achieve political ends and at the same time encouragin­g organisati­ons down an effective democratic path.

“Full proscripti­on could be a move against dialogue and meaningful peace negotiatio­ns in the Middle East.

“Proscripti­on could prevent the UK or other government­s from engaging with the Lebanese government and could lead to a breakdown of diplomatic relations.”

But speaking in favour of the ban, Labour MP Ian Austin blasted his own party’s position.

“The organisati­on has carried out terrorist attacks and racist murders in the Middle East, in Europe and across the world,” he said.

“[Hezbollah] is not interested in the compromise­s that all sides will need to make to bring about a two-state solution.

“Its sole interest is the destructio­n of Israel.

“The idea Hezbollah is a partner for peace is misguided.”

Colin Clarke, a research fellow at the RAND institute, told

The National that while Hezbollah may not be currently active in terrorist plots against western targets, it is the group’s potential that should be of concern.

“[Hezbollah] are not actively attacking the West, but they are well positioned to do so, should things heat up between Iran and the US,” Clarke said.

“They could be activated, with seeming ease, they have cells all over the world. It’s more the potential of what this group can do, as well as what they’ve done in the past.”

He said that “the British policy is lending legitimacy to this group, which I think is a major mistake”.

A poll carried out by ComRes indicated that 81 per cent of Britons were in favour of an increased terrorist designatio­n of the group.

The group has come under renewed scrutiny since the onset of the civil war in Syria.

Analysts claim that Hezbollah has thousands of its members fighting alongside the regime of Bashar Al Assad.

Human rights organisati­ons also accused group members of sectarian killings.

Its sole interest is the destructio­n of Israel. The idea that Hezbollah is a partner for peace is misguided IAN AUSTIN Labour MP

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