The National - News


▶ Bill Richardson accuses Aung San Suu Kyi of an ‘absence of moral leadership’ over treatment of Muslim minority


A senior member of an advisory panel on the Rohingya refugee crisis has quit, calling it a “whitewash and a cheerleadi­ng operation” for Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The sudden resignatio­n on Wednesday of Bill Richardson, a former senior US politician and diplomat who considered Ms Suu Kyi a close friend, raises serious questions about internatio­nal efforts to deal with the fallout from Myanmar military operations against the Rohingya Muslims. The United Nations called it “textbook ethnic cleansing”.

Mr Richardson accused Ms Suu Kyi of an “absence of moral leadership” over the crackdown in Rakhine state and said they had had a heated exchange after he called for the release of two Reuters journalist­s arrested while covering the crisis.

A government spokesman hit back yesterday, accusing the former New Mexico governor of oversteppi­ng the mark.

“He should review himself over his personal attack against our state counsellor [Ms Suu Kyi],” said the government spokesman Zaw Htay, using Ms Suu Kyi’s official title.

He said the issue of the journalist­s’ arrests was beyond Mr Richardson’s mandate.

Mr Richardson’s resignatio­n offers possible insight into the thinking of Ms Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate once revered as an icon of human rights whose leadership during the Rohingya crisis has shocked many outsiders.

Mr Richardson, a former US ambassador to the UN and energy secretary under Bill Clinton, castigated Ms Suu Kyi for blaming outsiders for the crisis instead of looking honestly at military actions that have forced nearly 700,000 Rohingya to flee to squalid refugee camps in Bangladesh, where they have spoken of mass killings, rape and the obliterati­on of entire villages in Myanmar.

“She believes there’s a concerted internatio­nal effort against Myanmar, and I believe she is wrong,” Mr Richardson said. “She blames all the problems that Myanmar is having on the internatio­nal media, on the UN, on human rights groups, on other government­s.”

Ms Suu Kyi appears to want the 10-member advisory board to validate her Rohingya policies, Mr Richardson said.

“The advisory board is mainly a whitewash and a cheerleadi­ng operation for the Myanmar government, and I’m not going to be part of it because I think there are serious issues of human rights violations, safety, citizenshi­p, peace and stability that need to be addressed,” he said. “I just felt that my advice and counsel would not be heeded.”

This biting criticism of Ms Suu Kyi and resignatio­n from the panel come as refugees cram camps in Bangladesh rife with crushing poverty, disease and an air of hopelessne­ss.

More than 680,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled the military of majority Buddhist Myanmar, which began operations against them after attacks by an Islamic militant group on August 25 last year.

The UN human rights chief has suggested that what has happening to the Rohingya may be genocide.

Rohingya are discrimina­ted against in Rakhine state, where many have lived for generation­s. They have been denied citizenshi­p, freedom of movement and other basic rights.

Mr Richardson, who has frequently negotiated for the release of Americans imprisoned in foreign countries, also said he was “very unhappy and distressed” by Ms Suu Kyi’s reaction to his plea that two journalist­s detained on charges of breaching a British colonial-era secrecy law used by a former military junta to muzzle freedom of speech “be treated fairly and rapidly”.

“That brought almost an explosion on her part, saying there were issues related to the official secrecies act, that that was not my charter as a member of the advisory board,” he said. “It was a very heated exchange that we had.”

The journalist­s, who are both Myanmar citizens, were investigat­ing the Rohingya crisis. They face up to 14 years in prison if convicted. Local media said their arrests were an attack on media freedom.

Some Myanmar officials were working hard to help people in Rakhine, Mr Richardson said, and he held out hope that the advisory panel might press the government to push through his suggestion of an investigat­ion of widespread reports that the military had buried Rohingya victims in mass graves.

Mr Richardson had tough words for the panel’s leader, Surakiart Sathiratha­i, a former Thai foreign minister. “There’s no agenda, there’s no plan to address some of the issues relating to safety, to citizenshi­p,” Mr Richardson said. “I felt it best that I resign.”

 ?? AP ?? Bill Richardson had heated words with Aung San Suu Kyi
AP Bill Richardson had heated words with Aung San Suu Kyi

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