The National - News

An honest conversati­on about education is overdue


Please refer to your far-sighted

editorial, Do universiti­es have a responsibi­lity to train students

for the workplace? (February 1). Yes, the primary aim of a university education should be to train students for effective careers in the government, industry and manufactur­ing. Students need jobs after graduation.

University education should be practice-oriented. Universiti­es should try to get practising profession­als as visiting faculty members, to give students a real view of life.

Case studies, which are widely used in American universiti­es covering live business and economic issues also bring realism to the classroom.

A university education should enable a youngster to stand on his or her own feet after graduation. Raju Aneja, Dubai

With reference to your

story Head of UAE’s biggest law firm says many graduates are not ready for the workplace (30


Having spent nine years working in the UAE’s school improvemen­t projects, I believe an honest conversati­on needs to take place, or else the deep and necessary changes will never happen.

Mr Essam Al Tamimi is right, and his honesty and overall assessment is refreshing. Ali McDonald, Dubai

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