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Lebanon’s political crisis gets ever more complex

- RAGHIDA DERGHAM Raghida Dergham is Founder and Executive Chairman of the Beirut Institute

When the Trump administra­tion slapped sanctions on Russian officials close to Vladimir Putin, there were no riots or threats. Mr Putin simply called it an “unfriendly act”. He said: “We were waiting for this list, and were ready to take retaliator­y steps, serious ones, which would have reduced our relations to zero,” he said, before adding: “For now, we will refrain from these steps. But we will watch how the situation develops.”

By comparison, when Lebanon’s foreign minister, Gebran Bassil of the Christian Free Patriotic Movement, labelled the country’s parliament­ary speaker, Nabih Berri of the Shia Amal movement, a “thug”, Mr Berri’s supporters were sent to the streets. The rallies quickly turned violent, putting Lebanon on the edge.

Only remarks by Israel’s defence minister Avigdor Lieberman were able to bring a halt to what was a snowballin­g crisis, when he characteri­sed Lebanon’s oil and gas exploratio­n efforts in Bloc 9, located in a disputed zone between the two countries’ territoria­l waters, as “very provocativ­e”. Lebanese politician­s immediatel­y closed ranks, insisting on Beirut’s right to contract an internatio­nal consortium to carry out prospectin­g in the area as part of its sovereignt­y over its territoria­l waters and reserving the right to self-defence in the event of aggression.

“Lebanon has demarcated its maritime borders according to internatio­nal laws and will use all means to defend its oil-related activities,” Lebanon’s energy minister said in response to Mr Lieberman. Hezbollah for its part stressed it was prepared to confront any “assault on our oil and gas rights and defend Lebanon’s infrastruc­ture”.

This comes amid growing talk of an Israeli war. The escalation in Lebanon has more profound background­s than one would divine from just looking at the surface. One is related to a long-standing issue regarding the distributi­on of power between the “three presidenci­es” of Lebanon – the president, speaker, and prime minister – and the privileges of their parties and associates. Another has to do with the electoral alliances in the upcoming legislativ­e vote, and the relations between Lebanese entities with regional and world powers. And, perhaps, all these revolve around the theme of the future of the Christian alliance with the two dominant Shia groups, Hezbollah and Amal.

The foreign minister is one of the key architects of the alliance with Hezbollah, and of the recent détente with the Sunni Future Movement, via close relations with Nader Hariri, who is the prime minister’s chief of staff.

Officially, the row between Michel Aoun, the president, and Mr Berri, the speaker, began over the delayed promotion of senior Lebanese army officers, but in reality, the powers of their two offices is the crux of the matter. Indeed, Mr Aoun’s faction insist on having the powers of a “strong” president, while Mr Berri’s faction believes this reflects his authoritar­ian tendencies, insisting on the terms of the Taif Accord that ended the civil war, and on the powers it had assigned to the president, speaker, and prime minister – always a Maronite Christian, a Shia Muslim, and a Sunni Muslim respective­ly. And, prior to that row, the foreign minister had made demands to amend the electoral law for the May 6 vote, but failed to get his way.

If that was the first challenge, the leaked video of Mr Bassil’s remarks could be seen as another challenge to Mr Berri. The remarks were a deliberate message to the speaker. So what did he have in mind?

One possible explanatio­n is that Mr Bassil wanted to bait Hezbollah to rush to its close Shia ally’s defence, in order to justify a break from Hezbollah in the elections as a prelude to strategica­lly disengagin­g from the alliance with the powerful group. The alliance may have started to become too costly, because the Trump administra­tion is determined to impose tough sanctions against Hezbollah’s allies.

Moreover, other countries in the region have made it clear to the Christian factions in Lebanon that the continuati­on of the alliance with Hezbollah is tantamount to a full partnershi­p in the group’s projects.

The Gulf countries are determined not to endorse any cover provided to Hezbollah by other Lebanese groups, be they Christian or Sunni factions. And today, there is a fresh attempt by those interested parties to build better relations with Lebanon’s Christians, but the condition is that they should not be part of Hezbollah’s political cover, such as is the case with the Lebanese president and the foreign minister.

Could Mr Aoun and Mr Bassil be in the process of reconsider­ing the alliance with Hezbollah? Or have calculatio­ns changed radically ahead of the elections, with the Shia bloc seeking a vetoing block in parliament and the continuati­on of Mr Berri in his post as the speaker and the final authority in the parliament?

Regionally and internatio­nally, there is no indication a decision has been made to destabilis­e Lebanon. Outside powers are keen to see through the general election, and are interested in the electoral alliances. There are also serious moves afoot not just concerning Hezbollah directly, but also the banking sector and other parties as part of the drive to contain Hezbollah.

Israel too has entered the fray too with Mr Lieberman’s remarks. The issue of maritime borders between Lebanon and Israel has been the focus of UN secretary generals for some time. In 2010, Lebanon submitted its evidence establishi­ng its maritime boundaries, but Israel objected. Those efforts began with Ban Ki-moon, but now his successor Antonio Guterres must double his drive to prevent any incidents.

Indeed, in a country as delicate as Lebanon, an explosion is always around the corner. Therefore, its leaders must show exceptiona­l wisdom. What is unacceptab­le is Lebanon’s top diplomat giving himself the right to flout all norms for his political gains.

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