The National - News




1. Stopped, lost head, but brought comfort (5)

4. Wide-mouthed – but not wide-awake, it seems (7)

8. Time to get there, get off, get on, and go (9)

9. Tax would hold a great deal were it not capitalise­d (3)

10. Lets film see the light of former model stances (7)

12. ‘E might pull the waistband up if it's such an irritant! (4)

14. Gains a monopoly on grain: hers hasn't begun (7)

17. They don't agree with one's changing (4) 18. Piece of music withdrawn from the beat at Nachschlag (7)

20. One can't say what it is up there, in short (1,1,1)

21. Get rid of one that is afflicted with mental disturbanc­e (9)

23. US Intelligen­ce in unending spell that's not ordinary (7)

24. Had to embrace half the eleven, but didn't like it (5)


1. They take risks of being seen per return (13)

2. Bands reversing the role in craft (6)

3. No one was father to upset – such a mockery! (8)

4. Second person yet offers us leaders (3)

5. I'd appear in opposite directions as an extra (4)

6. Ask someone to be at home, quickly across the Channel (6)

7. Be told one may obtain the green light that's coming (3,3,2-5)

11. Thus endlessly pinch a sort of boom (5)

13. Right among the players his confusion will wave about (8)

15. Take up model sitting again for a rest (6)

16. He's learned to find a commercial vehicle in the street (6)

19. Suburban property is upset, half of them being included (4)

22. The Italian, at fifty, is indisposed (3)

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