The National - News


Defence, arms sales and countering Iran also on agenda as Crown Prince Mohammed visits Pentagon


US Secretary of Defence James Mattis on Thursday pledged to work with Saudi Arabia to end the war in Yemen, saying efforts for a peaceful solution would be increased as part of a plan for stronger regional security.

His comments came as the conflict heads into its fourth year on Sunday, with Saudi Arabia leading a military alliance supporting the Yemen’s internatio­nally recognised government against Houthi rebels backed by Iran.

“We are going to end this war and on positive terms for the people of Yemen, that is the bottom line,” Mr Mattis said as he welcomed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the Pentagon on the fourth day of his visit to the US.

“We must also reinvigora­te urgent efforts to seek a peaceful resolution to the civil war in Yemen and we support you in this regard.”

He pledged to work with Riyadh to boost “stability and security” in the region.

Prince Mohammed, who is also the Saudi defence minister, was accompanie­d to the Pentagon by a large delegation that included defence aides and military generals. Besides the Yemen conflict, the crown prince’s talks with Mr Mattis were expected to cover boosting Saudi defence capabiliti­es, joint defence co-operation, Gulf security and countering Iran, and the Qatar dispute.

But it was the war in Yemen that dominated Mr Mattis’s comments at the start of the meeting.

The defence secretary’s remarks came after a trip to Oman and Bahrain 10 days ago during which he discussed the war in Yemen and arms smuggling via Omani sea and land routes to the Iran-backed rebels. Shortly afterwards, the Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah visited Tehran where he discussed the conflict with the leadership in Tehran.

High-level sources following the back-channel diplomacy told The National that “Iran has recently signalled through an internatio­nal party a new willingnes­s to enter negotiatio­ns for a political settlement in Yemen”, including “willingnes­s to pressure their allies, the Houthis”.

This came after increased pressure on Iran and its role in the conflict, with the US presenting evidence of its military support for the Houthis.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir said this week that

the Houthis are increasing­ly on the defensive and that Riyadh has been consistent­ly committed to reaching a political settlement in Yemen based on UN resolution­s and diplomacy now led by the new UN envoy, former British diplomat Martin Griffiths.

“Secretary Mattis’s comments on US determinat­ion to help bring the Yemen war to a close will be especially important if they reflect a willingnes­s on the part of the United States government to engage more robustly in efforts to bring the parties to the conflict to the negotiatin­g table,” Stephen Seche, a former US ambassador to Yemen and vice president of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, told The National.

He said there was recognitio­n by the US that “there is no military solution to be had”.

Replying to Mr Mattis’s remarks, Prince Mohammed said Saudi Arabia was “working on many things to combat the threats facing our nations. Especially with the Pentagon”.

He said defence co-operation between the two countries had “improved tremendous­ly” during Mr Mattis’s time at the Pentagon.

Mr Seche said defence ties “have always been one of the underlying strengths of the bilateral relationsh­ip”.

These ties expanded under President Donald Trump, with the US finalising the sale of the Thaad missile defence system and other weaponry to Riyadh.

Receiving Prince Mohammed at the White House on Tuesday, Mr Trump produced charts showing $12.5 billion (Dh45.91bn) worth of arms sales to Saudi Arabia, and $20bn pending. These include threat detection Aerostats, Abrams tank upgrades, multi-mission surface combatant frigates, the Thaad system and other equipment.

Mr Seche said he expected that countering Iran and unifying the GCC would also be high on the agenda at the Pentagon meeting.

“Given Secretary Mattis’s well-known interest in presenting a unified front against Iranian interferen­ce in regional affairs, the ongoing dispute that pits Qatar against the quartet of nations that includes Saudi Arabia will almost certainly be a topic for discussion.”

Ahead of his visit to the Pentagon, Prince Mohammed held talks with US defence industry executives. The Saudi embassy in Washington said he met the “leadership from Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and General Dynamics companies” on Wednesday. The discussion­s involved developing technology and growing trade and business ties between the US and the kingdom, the embassy said.

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