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West succeeded in changing the Middle East, but at a terrible price, Arthur MacMillan, Foreign Editor, writes


Iraq remains a subject of vicious disagreeme­nt 15 years after George W Bush and Tony Blair decided to remove Saddam Hussein and, in their eyes, reshape the Middle East.

In the most basic sense, they succeeded. A dictator was quickly toppled along with his statue in Baghdad. By all other measures the US and British invasion and occupation was a misbegotte­n military exercise with no end date.

The Middle East has changed; only not in the way Mr Bush or Mr Blair intended.

For all the speeches about the merits of a democratic Iraq, it is essential to remember that better governance was not the reason given for the invasion. Instead, it became the last plausible excuse when no weapon of mass destructio­n was found.

Some had no choice but to back the war out of a sense of duty to political masters. Many others, however, did so on account of ideologica­l zeal, mendacity and overconfid­ence.

While Mr Bush would declare aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln that major military operations had ended, three weeks after Saddam’s statue tumbled on April 9, 2003, his words carried a deeper message that US military power could conquer all.

“Operation Iraqi Freedom was carried out with a combinatio­n of precision and speed and boldness the enemy did not expect and the world had not seen before,” he said. “You have shown the world the skill and the might of the American armed forces.”

It is not possible to know what Mr Lincoln would have made of such salesmansh­ip, conducted below a Mission Accomplish­ed banner. But it is undoubted that the democracy that replaced a despot was not the government of the people, by the people, for the people that the 16th president of the US professed as a model to be proud of.

Iraqis instead got Paul Bremer, who had left the US diplomatic service in 1989. It says a lot about the misadventu­re Iraq would become that a man from the private sector would be chosen to head the Coalition Provisiona­l Authority of Iraq, rather than a diplomat.

With his desert boots, dark glasses and renown for not listening to anybody, Mr Bremer was permitted to rule Iraq by decree. This he did by immediatel­y banning the Baath Party in any form and, fatefully, disbanding the Iraqi Army. No order that Mr Bremer would later issue is thought to have been more responsibl­e for creating the conditions for the maelstrom the country would become.

Overnight, millions lost their jobs in the institutio­ns of Saddam’s government. Many thousands were military men with access to weapons. An Interim Governing Council was chosen from a list of Iraqi groups and people who supported the invasion.

Mr Bremer retained the power to veto any decision made by those he had picked. All along he conveyed an image of the occupier, a figurehead unacquaint­ed with a complicate­d region, combined with a transparen­t lack of cultural sensitivit­y.

If the potential for discord was not discernibl­e then, it is now.

“Nobody really knew what they were doing,” said Christophe­r Hill, who would later become the US ambassador to Iraq, on the initial American attempt to move

With his desert boots, dark glasses and renown for not listening to anybody, Mr Bremer was permitted to rule Iraq by decree

towards civilian rule. The lack of security planning became plain through the consequenc­es of decisions made by Mr Bremer’s CPA. Government offices, apart from the Oil Ministry, were looted because the men paid to guard them had been sacked.

The meltdown of institutio­ns that would lead to sectarian insurgency remains manifest in the corruption that pervades Iraq today. One dictator was replaced by many little ones. Fortunes, personal and political, depend on a system of patronage rather than competence.

What has emerged from the shadow of one-man rule is a brutalised political environmen­t where power is treated as a zero-sum game whether the players are Shiite, Sunni or Kurd. Factional advantage is pursued over national interest.

The long-term survival of a unitary state remains in doubt, given the desire of Kurdish leaders to gain independen­ce despite a bungled referendum last year.

Whether by naivety or negligence, the invasion of Iraq broke a country that had been for decades on life support. When the euphoria of toppling Saddam gave way to the horror of burnt American corpses hanging from bridges, the need for an exit became overwhelmi­ng.

Barack Obama campaigned for the presidency having pledged to withdraw from Iraq, matching the American public’s mood. It was his government that chose Mr Hill to serve in Baghdad between 2009 and 2010. By this time Iraq was also changing.

When the government of Nouri Al Maliki, the prime minister eventually backed by Mr Obama, was threatened by ISIL in 2014 it was largely because of decisions that the former had made. US forces, not wanted by Iraq’s leaders yet threatened by militias close to some government figures, had long gone.

It is perhaps a sign of how bleak Iraq’s prospects have become that the emergence of ISIL and replacemen­t of Mr Maliki, who had sacked competent generals and replaced them with placemen only to see his forces melt, is seen as a first step that the nation’s democracy may be maturing.

“The key ingredient is time and that is what we had least of,” Mr Hill said of the Obama government’s rush to get out, arguing that the readiness of Iraq’s elite to ditch a prime minister was proof of progress. “It says things are getting better. Fifteen years in, we are going to see where this can go.”

Other experience­d Washington figures say the lessons of Iraq are deeper, if unacknowle­dged.

The limits of military power have been proven. What has not is the ability of the US to shape the Middle East, said James Dobbins, a former ambassador under Mr Obama, Mr Bush and Bill Clinton.

“The first mistake was to invade Iraq on an erroneous rationale. The second was to believe it was going to be easy,” he said.

 ?? ?? President George W Bush declares the end of major combat in Iraq as he speaks aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln off California, on May 1, 2003, but violence in the country was far from over
President George W Bush declares the end of major combat in Iraq as he speaks aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln off California, on May 1, 2003, but violence in the country was far from over

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