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More than 12,000 motorists in Dubai fined for using mobile phones while driving


More than 12,000 motorists in Dubai were fined for using their mobile phones while driving over the past three months, down almost a quarter from the same period last year, police said yesterday.

Col Juma bin Suwaidan, the deputy head of Dubai traffic police, said 12,257 traffic fines were issued to drivers using their mobile phones between January and March this year.

The figure – a decrease from the 16,090 fines issued for the same offence during the same period the year before – averages to about 136 fines issued a day.

Offending motorists incurred a Dh800 fine and four black points on their driving licences.

The fine was increased from Dh200 after the Federal Traffic Law was updated on July 1 last year.

Col bin Suwaidan said 4,380 fines were issued in January this year, 3,582 in February and 4,295 in March.

He said driving while using a mobile phone for talking, texting or checking social media is classified as a serious offence and is one of the leading causes of major traffic accidents in the emirate.

Last year, Dubai Police also warned motorists against eating or drinking while behind the wheel.

Although it may not be illegal, motorists were told they should refrain from any behaviour that could result in distracted driving.

Traffic authoritie­s in the UAE previously said 10 per cent of crashes could be linked to drivers using their mobile phones to browse social media or take videos while driving.

Motorists were told they should refrain from any behaviour that could result in distracted driving

“The use of a mobile phone while driving disrupts a large part of the vital functions necessary for safe driving and the ability to act quickly to avoid danger is decreased while using a phone,” Col bin Suwaidan said.

“Many drivers do not realise that using a phone while driving poses a threat to their lives and the lives of others.”

He said lack of attention by a driver for only a few seconds could lead to an accident for which the driver and other innocent people may end up paying for the rest of their lives.

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