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▶ An early education on money matters in schools can lead to smart economic decisions in their adult years


Most financial literacy efforts in schools do not improve people’s behaviour later in life. That could be because we are focusing on the wrong things.

Trying to teach teenagers how to shop for a mortgage, for example, may be an exercise in futility. The informatio­n simply isn’t relevant to them – yet. By the time they are ready to buy a home, the loans available and the rules surroundin­g them may have changed.

Instead, we should be teaching kids the habits that make savvy consumers. These four skills make a difference regardless of someone’s circumstan­ces or the economic climate:


Smart consumers need to think critically about the advertisin­g, offers and advice that bombard them every day. They need to look beyond surfaces to determine what’s really being sold to them, and why.

“We need to ask, ‘What is the motivation of the entity that’s giving me this informatio­n?’” says Josh Golin, executive director of the advocacy group Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood.

Some people are unnerved by the idea of teaching scepticism to children, worrying that it could foster distrust, inaction and negative thinking.

“Not all marketing is deception and not all advisers are people only eager to take your money,” says financial literacy expert Annamaria Lusardi, economics professor at the George Washington University School of Business.

Others, including the nonprofit financial literacy advocate Foolproof Foundation, say healthy scepticism can be taught in an age-appropriat­e way that helps young people feel empowered rather than paralysed.

“I don’t think we can teach six-year-olds scepticism, but by the time children are in middle school they’re able to understand the concepts of persuasive intent and self-interest,” Mr Golin says.


Research and comparison shopping may be second nature to the financiall­y savvy, but they’re skills like any other that need to be learnt – and many adults do not have them, says financial literacy expert and Rutgers University professor Barbara O’Neill.

Ms O’Neill emphasises the “rule of three” in her financial literacy courses. She asks her students to research three credit card offers, for example, comparing the interest rates, penalty rates, fees and rewards for each, and evaluating which might be best for their particular situation.

The exercise gives students practice in comparison shopping, but also gives them a handy rule of thumb for other decisions.

“Whether they’re hiring a plumber or buying a car, they need to check at least three different sources,” Ms O’Neill says.


Being able to anticipate setbacks and challenges is as important as setting goals. People who plan ahead for large, irregular expenses are 10 times as likely to be financiall­y healthy as those who don’t, according to a 2015 study by the Center for Financial Services Innovation, a US nonprofit that promotes financial health.

Financial literacy education often focuses on goal-based planning, such as budgeting for retirement or a down payment, or saving a set amount for emergencie­s, says John Thompson, CFSI chief programme officer. That’s important, he says, but perhaps not as relevant to early-stage workers as building financial flexibilit­y into their lives.

Schools can teach the importance of having access to lower-cost lines of credit, such as a credit card with a reasonable interest rate, in addition to savings. Too often cashstrapp­ed young people turn to high-cost credit because they have not planned for the unexpected, Mr Thompson says.

“You want to make sure you have access to the tools and products you need before a problem presents itself,” he adds. “When you have to act immediatel­y, your options are fewer.”


A regular savings habit is also associated with financial health, the CFSI study found. The act of saving is more important than the amounts, Mr Thompson says.

“A few hundred dollars can really make a difference,” he says.

Regular doesn’t necessaril­y mean automatic. People who automate their savings by setting up a direct debit from their current account to a savings option, do tend to save more. But automation requires relatively stable finances, something not all young people have, Ms O’Neill points out.

“People with these volatile incomes can’t do anything automatica­lly,” Ms O’Neill says. “They need the flexibilit­y to juggle.”

Some start-ups are betting that smarter apps can help, either by helping people save or invest small amounts (Digit and Acorns are examples) or by smoothing out incomes using savings and payday advances (Even). Schools can teach kids to do something similar by tracking the ups and downs of their incomes, and saving when they have surpluses.

“When you have the peaks, that’s when you save,” Ms O’Neill says.

 ?? Getty ?? Research and comparison shopping are skills like any other that need to be learnt – and many adults do not have them
Getty Research and comparison shopping are skills like any other that need to be learnt – and many adults do not have them

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