The National - News


Stroke paralysed Abeer Ibrahim’s husband, who was the family’s sole provider


It has not been an easy few years for Sudanese mother of two Abeer Ibrahim after a stroke left her husband paralysed and unable to work. The lack of regular income forced Mrs Ibrahim, 42, into a difficult situation where she had to juggle caring for her husband, Amir Abdulla, and children – while also trying to find work.

The couple arrived in the UAE in 2005, and settled with their children Adulrahman, 10 and Hajar, 12.

Both children have since been expelled from school because of unsettled tuition fees, as the family struggles to stay afloat.

“If you give me Dh100,00, it will eventually run out, what I need is a job to keep my children alive,” Mrs Ibrahim said.

“My husband worked in human resources and he had just moved jobs when he had the stroke so he wasn’t entitled to any end-of-term benefit.”

For the past four years, Mrs Ibrahim said their lives had become unbearable, as the family struggled to make ends meet.

Whatever savings they had soon ran out.

“For months on end we lived in a car,” she said. “We had no money for rent or food. I would do anything to earn some money to have food on the table and a roof over our heads.”

Mr Abdulla requires regular physiother­apy during his recovery and rehabilita­tion but that is expensive and something they struggle to afford.

They made the difficult decision for him to return to Sudan alone, where his extended family can care for him.

Mrs Ibrahim, who has a higher diploma in accounting, began offering car lifts and cooking to earn some money.

She has also been studying for a diploma in school management to improve her chances of securing a full-time job. So far, her applicatio­ns have been unsuccessf­ul.

“I need a stable job,” she said. “That is the only way to get my children out of this suffocatin­g situation.

“I did a few part-time jobs, like helping with statistics and surveys. That helped for a few months but then we were back to square one again. My husband’s family said they had no means to take me and my children in too, which I completely understand. We would be too much of a burden and they are not very well off.

“I am an only child and my mother is here with me. She is very old and I am caring for her as best as I can, so it is difficult for everyone.

“I want to be strong for my kids but life has become so tough. I don’t sleep at night and can’t stop crying.

“Every time my children come to me to ask me for the most basic things like clothes or food, my heart breaks.

“I can’t provide them with anything any more and I don’t want charity. I want to stand on my own two feet and feel safe again,” she said.

Hisham Al Zahrani, manager of Zakat and Social Services at Dar Al Ber, is appealing for any businesses who may be able to offer Mrs Ibrahim a job, so she can once again support her family.

“This time we are asking for assistance in finding Ms Ibrahim a job,” he said. “Please contact Dar Al Ber or if there is any job opportunit­y for Mrs Ibrahim.”

 ?? Victor Besa / The National ?? After Abeer Ibrahim’s husband suffered a stroke in 2014, she was left to provide for Abdulrahma­n, 10, and Hajar, 12,
Victor Besa / The National After Abeer Ibrahim’s husband suffered a stroke in 2014, she was left to provide for Abdulrahma­n, 10, and Hajar, 12,

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