The National - News

Israel wants to make the term ‘Palestinia­n’ vanish

- AHMAD TIBI Dr Ahmad Tibi is the deputy speaker of the Knesset. He represents the Arab Joint List, the third largest political party in the Israeli parliament

As Israel marks 70 years since its foundation, there is a need for it to resolve its most fundamenta­l contradict­ion: is it willing to accept universal principles of justice, freedom and equality for all or is it going to continue its discrimina­tory policies against its non-Jewish citizens in all fields of life?

The Nakba (“catastroph­e” in Arabic) of 1948, when about 750,000 Palestinia­ns were expelled from their homes in what became Israel, marked the beginning of a process of systematic denial of Palestinia­n rights and is the most traumatic event in the collective history of the Palestinia­n people.

This is not only about millions of refugees who are being denied their legal right to return home or about Palestinia­ns in the occupied West Bank and Gaza who have lived under brutal Israeli military rule for more than 50 years, their lands systematic­ally stolen for Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise.

It is also about the Palestinia­n citizens of Israel that today represent more than 20 per cent of the population but who are neverthele­ss treated as second and third class citizens in the land of their ancestors.

When Israel was establishe­d in 1948, Palestinia­n Arab citizens owned close to 90 per cent of the land of the state. Seventy years later, after decades of Israel expropriat­ing our land for the use of Jewish citizens, Arab citizens only own around 3 per cent of the land. Much of what that was taken from us after 1948 is now controlled by the Jewish National Fund, a quasi-government­al agency which systematic­ally discrimina­tes against non-Jews. There are several communitie­s in Israel where Arab citizens are not allowed to live. Imagine what would happen if Jewish citizens of the United States were barred from certain communitie­s in that country on the basis of their religion?

In 1948, at least 418 Palestinia­n towns and villages were ethnically cleansed, destroyed in their entirety or repopulate­d with Jewish Israelis.

Many Palestinia­ns who were forced from their homes became internally displaced and eventually obtained Israeli citizenshi­p, although they would be ruled by martial law until 1966. Today many of them live only a few miles from the towns their families are from but Israel prevents them from even harvesting the trees planted by their own ancestors.

That is one of the reasons why, instead of “celebratin­g independen­ce”, we participat­ed earlier this month in the “march of return”, when thousands of Palestinia­n citizens of Israel go back to their original villages, or to what is left of them.

In response to our commemorat­ing the collective trauma suffered by the Palestinia­n people in 1948, the Israeli government has attempted to use legislatio­n to suppress efforts to mark the Nakba, part of a macro effort to strip us of our national identity.

Even the term “Arab-Israeli” is a euphemism created in order to make the term “Palestinia­n” disappear. There are more than 60 laws approved by the Israeli parliament that discrimina­te against the non-Jewish population.

The current government, the most extreme in 70 years, is pushing for the Nationalit­y Law to be approved, which would formalise the fact that Israel is intended to be a state for Jews only.

Regretfull­y, most of the internatio­nal community has opted to ignore the plight of the Palestinia­n citizens of Israel while continuing to treat Israel as if it were a democracy and a state above the law.

For example, as the Palestinia­n village of Umm Al Hiran in southern Israel is being demolished so that Israel can build a Jewish town in its place, our calls for help have been met with silence by European and US representa­tives.

This year, to add insult to injury, the Trump administra­tion – which has close ties to Israel’s hardline rightwing government and settler movement – has decided to mark the Nakba by moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in contravent­ion of decades of US policy and internatio­nal law. Today, the two-state solution has been turned into the “two-state illusion”.

As Israel turns 70, across the land of historic Palestine there are 6.8 million Palestinia­n Christians, Druze and Muslims and 6.5 million Israeli Jews.

What is Israel planning to do in the long run – another massive ethnic cleansing campaign like the one in 1948?

If not a two-state solution, the only other challengin­g options left for Israel are to accept a single democratic state with equal rights for all its citizens, regardless of their race or religion, or to continue its efforts at normalisin­g the violent apartheid regime it has implemente­d in the territorie­s it controls between the Jordan river and the Mediterran­ean Sea.

Despite the claims of its supporters, Israel has never been a true democracy. From 1948 until 1966, it ruled over large numbers of its own Palestinia­n citizens using martial law and from 1967 until today, millions of Palestinia­ns in the occupied territorie­s have lived under Israeli military rule.

Whether Israel actually ever becomes a democracy or continues to develop into an apartheid state that systematic­ally privileges one group of people based solely on their religion/ethnicity will be determined by the willingnes­s of Jewish Israelis to accept universal principles of equality, freedom and dignity for all. But before we can move forward to this brighter future, they must first acknowledg­e the past.

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