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Why we should be angry at France for persecutin­g a Muslim for her beliefs

- HA HELLYER Dr HA Hellyer is a senior non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC and the Royal United Services Institute in London

Last week it was reported that France’s highest administra­tive court upheld a ruling against a long-term Algerian resident of France.

The lady in question was to have become a French citizen but was denied the opportunit­y solely on the basis that she refused to shake hands with a male official at her 2016 citizenshi­p ceremony.

There is something particular­ly odious about this – the framing of it, and what it signifies – but I suspect far more is still to come.

The way this is framed is simple: a non-French individual wanted to become French but is “insufficie­ntly French” to do so.

The evidence provided is also rather simple: she, it is claimed, rejects certain quintessen­tially French norms of conduct. Thus, her citizenshi­p applicatio­n – although satisfacto­ry according to French law – was to be arbitraril­y denied. That’s the frame. And it’s nonsense.

There are four major points to be made here. The first is about discrimina­tion; the second is about Western culture; the third is about Algeria; and the fourth is about Islam.

The first is the most blatant, because it is hard to come to any conclusion other than that this ruling is discrimina­tory against an Algerian Muslim woman.

Had the applicant been, for example, an Algerian Muslim male, he would have been given citizenshi­p.

Had the applicant been female but was a traditiona­l Jewish Israeli, moreover, is it anything other than fanciful to assume the same treatment would have been meted out?

All that is very pertinent indeed because there are many French-born citizens who likewise would have been reticent to shake hands with an unfamiliar member of the opposite gender.

Their reasons might have been different but, at the end of the day, their notions of personal space and their freedom to reserve intrusion into that personal space, would have taken precedence. It is, after all, their own personal space. That might be a conservati­ve view – even an ultra-conservati­ve view – but it surely doesn’t obviate their belonging to France.

If so, then the French state might find it has to reconsider the citizenshi­p of many an Orthodox Jew. Of course, that’s not likely to happen or even become a subject of public discourse.

After all, some people might choose to greet with kisses on the cheek. Others might choose to greet with handshakes. Other still might choose to hug. All of these are intrusions into one’s personal space – but it is the choice of the individual to accept or reject such intrusions.

At a time when the #MeToo movement is so well-known, it is absurd that one needs to note that such freedom to refuse intrusions is indeed a personal right. But this is 2018.

The reality is that none of this is remotely relevant to citizenshi­p in French culture in particular, or western cultures in general – rather, it is a foil designed to problemati­se a particular group in Europe. And that group is the Muslim population.

Before examining the Islam or Muslim aspect of this controvers­y, the Algerian identity of the lady in question cannot be overlooked. Because France has a long history with Algerians – and the French state’s colonial enterprise in Algeria in the 20th century remains a stain upon France even today.

Finally: the Islam aspect of this episode must be kept at the forefront of analysis. Only one day before this ruling by the court, the French president – a “centrist”, we are told – declared that those who wear the headscarf must be “tolerated”, as though they are doing something particular­ly odious.

Indeed, the French president, who is supposedly the president of all Frenchmen and Frenchwome­n, admitted he was “not especially happy” when some French Muslim women chose to wear the headscarf. But he has to “tolerate” it – very progressiv­e, indeed, that a man has to “tolerate” a woman’s free choice to wear a headscarf.

Of course, no such “toleration” is warranted when it comes to French Catholic nuns – then, the word “toleration” does not apply.

With that section of French society, their choice is not even questioned.

But this is part and parcel of the rise of populism in France and, more widely, Europe. Such problemati­sing of Muslims and their religious practice is widespread – and not simply on the right, but across the political spectrum. The sentiment is becoming less subtle every day and ever more blatant.

There are senior politician­s, even heads of state, in Europe today who express the most abhorrent declaratio­ns about Islam and Muslims; which, if they were uttered about Jews, they would be castigated for, rightly, as anti-Semitic. We’ve come a long way, it seems, only to take several steps back.

It was only a few years ago that much of the European Union threatened a diplomatic boycott of Austria for the inclusion of the extreme right in its government.

Today much of the rhetoric of that same extreme right is mainstream and it has a direct impact upon European citizens. Only yesterday France introduced tough new immigratio­n laws which, some politician­s complain, treat migrants as “criminals” and allow children to be locked up in detention centres for up to 90 days, double the previous limit.

The essential question is rather simple. Europe today has tens of millions of Muslim citizens and more residents. Will we, as Europeans, recognise their belonging? Or will we continue to further problemati­se them, as somehow foreign and alien to our continent?

If so, then we forget our all too recent history when it comes to failing to accept the “other” – and the consequenc­es are unlikely to be fruitful for us, our children and generation­s to come.

There are senior politician­s, even heads of state in Europe today, who express the most abhorrent declaratio­ns about Muslims and Islam

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